The replicator produced his favourite beverage in seconds, and he sipped it gently as he examined the books on his shelf. What's even more important, though, is how they decide what movie to watch. I think it just appeared He typed something into the computer. Fanfiction. Her continuing mission: to explore strange new Star Trek/Friendship is Magic Crossovers, to seek out new authors and new trekie-bronies, to boldly go where no pony has gone before! Halo and Star Trek Online Crossover | FanFiction FanFiction | unleash your imagination Browse Stories Anime Books Cartoons Comics Games Misc Plays Movies TV More than 40 years after the end of the war against the Covenant, a new storm is brewing on the edge of the human empire. Also, their choice of the phrase Super-human intrigued the Star Fleet Captain, although he was hyper-aware of the consequences of experimenting on humans. Re-Group There was that time when the Tal shiar and obsidian order did exactly that. WHOOOOO!!! While en-route to a meeting with other Starship captains on Earth, my crew discovered a strange object floating in space. After years of trial and error the Terrans have finally made it possible to travel to the nearest galaxy to them. We followed the directions she gave us, and We found something Here, he trailed off, looking toward the screen. 7. Likewise, MAC-cannons and IA would be traded for, by Alfa and Beta quadrant, outdated ships and training on how to use them. 8. Elements of DS9/TNG/Voy/Ent. If they had shield tech it would have been magnetic or gravitic based deflection arrays and not the Covenant's clear plasma absorption arrays. The year is 2555, The UNSC continues its fight against the insurrection, Spartan-190 is sent alongside several other armed forces, and they successfully manage to comple Jaune saved Pyrrha from going against Cinder, he took his gamble when Pyrrha was looking away towards the tower He picked up a piece of debris and konks her on the head Noble Six our favorite spartan bravery fighting the covenant head-on. Geordi has his visor because he was born blind and his parents couldnt fix his eyes with gene editing due to it being illegal in the UFP. Hex_6, LaserMajor, SC1297, killjoy1221, Zodia, GameofKings2, Memester, Digigal_transbian, Solzare, J_Logan, Jmp126, Space_Trash_Floof, Diminax, Bellz_Haven1914, MasterChiefFunkoPop, PrimerPaint, Vinnymoneyho, and morticiasrings If dilithium existed in Halo verse, it would have been discovered, but it wasn't by Halo humanity, Covanent nor Forerunners. 1. It was a nightmare with his. Enterprise-E find an unusual object floating in space. Covenant ships shields as they dodge fire (tho a plasma lance is going wreck an unshielded ship regardless of said ships fire power). After 30 years of fighting, the humanity almost in the brink of extinction. There's either a typo here on the wiki, or crew members claim they can't taste the difference between normally prepared food and resequenced food: Don't have time to check right now, but I do remember tucker recording a video for a school were he outright says it runs off the ship sewage plant. The gods demand you make more of this delectable treat you call halo trek. Halo Trek: The Covenant War Halo_ST AU Xover - THREADMARKS, CH_01a = Turner&Kyle, CaladanSys, threats; Kinshasa; Capt.Osaka, Michelle, BattleRoyale. WikiZero zgr Ansiklopedi - Wikipedia Okumann En Kolay Yolu . 19. Considering we dicussed that the only thing they dislike is "Super human" part of the genetic modification, yeah cancer removal probably isnt a problem what so ever. I remember reading about RTD's attempts at a Star Trek crossover back in 2005 that fell through because Enterprise was cancelled. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Prepare the transporter room for departure immediately. He turned to enter the elevator, but Riker caught his arm. The United Federation of Planets did not affiliate themselves with the UNSC, because of their rough nature. A former Covenant system defense platform, the station had fallen under control of the New Colonial Alliance, a human insurgent group, by 2558. Star Trek Enterprise VS Black Hole - Calcs. It's time for the Covenant to sweat! Why don't we talk about master chief finally having a chance to get a vacation? Congrats, you have successfully navigated down from completely useless to merely. Landing on the Mysterious Ring Faced with another potential threat to Lylat, the gang must find this Phantom Katana Fleet before someone worse does - but what will they do when they find it? Here are his three most recent, and in my view, best: Spartans Never Die, Net, Tomorrow. The Federation would not share military tech with the UNSC, but shields, replicators, and beaming tech would be acceptable. 6. But this would not just be for the sake of being friendly, the Covenant was wiping the floor with the fleet, and entire worlds were being lost almost daily. EVER! They will need personal energy shields and energized bla'leths to do close mortal Melee combat Hmm theoretically that would allow them better protection against monophasic weapons like lasers or plasma cannons, Lieutenant Young mused, but its not much good against phased energy weapons.. Keep in mind that hand phaser power sources are so BS that in the TOS era you can get a shuttle into orbit using several of them. It was armed with a powerful glassing cannon and Abbreviated: energy weapons, which were mentioned in-chapter in the context "why haven't you developed these yet? Are regular Halo civilians stronger than non augmented humans? Hell some of the fastest warp calculations we have that aren't straight up transwarp come from species that are from a different dimension. I don't see future agencies getting involved - 1. However, things begin to change as an unidentified object landed near Sanctuary, what will come of this discovery, war, bloodshed? Weapons expert, multilingual, mechanic, former ODST, and overall nice guy. And keyly still work pretty much the same way with enough power. Halo Crossovers Show All Halo Crossovers. Time travel is messy - and 2. Ensigns Kim and Smith, you will also accompany us. After having received acknowledgements from the people he named, Picard made his way to his ready-room to prepare to land on the strange planet. The ancient humanoids were one of the oldest sentient species and possibly the first humanoid species to evolve in the Milky Way Galaxy on an ancient planet. It has been 15 years since the Battle on the ark. Work Search: Human and Alien factions fight for control in a power vacuum left by the destruction of the Covenant and UNSC. Maybe everyone just goes into the mirror universe and vice versa. His mind had been connected to several hundred-thousand others (Maybe even millions; he didnt count them), and they all thought together. You know that there is one possibility that we haven't taken into account: that the Spirit of Fire being destroyed. The Covenant would be rather desperate by this point, especially the Hierarchs. The Covenant have discovered Reach - our last bastion before Earth. She was not purpose designed as a Combat vessel first and science vessel second. Thanks to the legendary Spartan Master chief. 11. But this was excruciatingly boring for him. the Final Frontier. However, it is canon that slipspace behaves wonky when in the presence of other space-manipulations. Don't tie a leash around the SOF, give it to Earth and let Earth think they're in control. 10. In Halo, slipspace, which is also called subspace, seems to be less intense than Star Trek. At least you won't die of starvation! For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Iter In Astris (Halo x Star Trek: Enterprise fanfiction crossover) RememberReach312 Oct 29, 2022 What should the "Spirit of Fire" do once they realize they're trapped in another universe? Subspace is an infinitely large "honeycomb" of sub-dimensions containing every "quantum reality" - that means every dimension, alternate timeline, you name it, you can get there if you dive deep enough into subspace. His stomach knotted, anticipating bad news. There are a dozen other points about range, accuracy, recoil, etc that I could get into but this post is already getting away from me in terms of length. On the genetic engineering/augment debate, particularly the bit about Bashir, that would be a point of conflict. A lot. 3. At the current era, humanity probably own 30 light year of space. The UNSC Vanguard battleship class Guilio Ceasare, assigned to skipper Jaune arc for use to distrupt and destroy vulnerable assets of the Covenant behind enemy lines has suffered critical damaged and now must evacuate everything they can before the ship is dragged into the world they exited slipspace above, the world of Remnant, Humanity and its allies are at war with the alien alliance known as "The Covenant.". Faster? Naruto (141) Prototype (118) Harry Potter (90) RWBY (55) . Which is basically a replicator in a trench coat. 4. The precursor gun platform on planet 4546B fires upon the Aurora, but the massive ship's crew is gone. The Control Room When a forerunner has been reincarnated into the spartan named Solar Eclipse his mission is to head to a forerunner shield world. It may not display this or other websites correctly. It largely takes place on Deep Space Nine. DS9, that time Quark and his family plus on 'dog' ending up captured at rossewl by the US governemt and taken to Area 51.No im joking, their warp drive ended up malfunctioning and they went so fast that by the time they arrived at earth they traveled through time. Unless the arrival of the Spirit of Fire has caused a "Kelvin" and the branching from the 'classic' timeline is so great that the Future Trek Powers with time-travel are only those native of the timelines born. And that dimension is subspace. About the flood , the ark , ancient humanity? He thought this over, then made a decision. ) is all it takes to effectively split the ship in half, even if both halves technically stay attached. He has to be pretty sure those bastards just murdered a entire world and were trying to murder him and his ship yet still kept trying to talk long past the point he should have and he really should have tried to cripple them first instead of going full alpha salvo vaporize them. Star Trek Enterprise VS Black Hole - Calcs. On the far side of Hell, ODST team Alpha-Nine--now lapdogs of ONI--are made to wonder whether their sins ought cast them back. Now we don't know the true size of Trek nations, just their home worlds plus nebulous mentions of other colonies and core worlds. This idea was birthed when my brother and I were talking about the ultimate crossovers that should have happened. Also: the only people who know exactly what the SPARTAN-IIs are, are Cortana, John and Red Team. The only other race who would eat humans would be the jackals and they tend to care more about the stuff the body has then the meat. What began as a simple rescue mission has become an encounter with a cosmic horror. Become a Starfleet-affiliated PMC group Votes: 143 49.8% Join Starfleet-proper as a "Foreign Legion" sort of deal Votes: 120 41.8% Join the Earth Cargo Service Unfortunately, I don't think lore digs deeper into level of regular augmentation. It's called Half-Life and is nominally Christmassy . Tali'Zorah x OC Melady was unlike other monitors in that she served as a research assistant, but after the end of her makers, she was given the role of just keeping the place running so reclaimers could finish it on their own. I can see the Spirit being retro fitted along with the NX-01 Enterprise with the secondary hull (maybe its also includes a slipspace engine and computer core) with NX class weapons. Star Trek: 2009 (2) Sora no Otoshimono/ . They might be not appreciated but they are still there. Are you sure that was what you felt?, Deanna closed her eyes, her hands coming together on her lap as she tried to find the emotion again. Is it a person with superpowers and cape or a simple person that is willing to do whatever it takes to protect others? man, this whole story is like watching an extended universe of the Brooklyn nine nine, what a treat and way better than the halo show. Lost in his work, Picard barely noticed the computer indicating communication from the bridge. Just put an AI in a robot. Chapter 1 What are you guys even arguing about any more? Personally Im just hoping the Trek humans take some notes on UNSC ship design philosophy. or a vulcan style warp ring like the Suurok class cruiser. As members of Star Fleet, we are bound to make contact with, and observe, new forms of life, in whatever manner they appear. Planets. Thing is, from what I understand, they are ok with editing defects and the like, not so much on trying to make a Khan style Augment. Iter In Astris (Halo x Star Trek: Enterprise fanfiction crossover) RememberReach312 Oct 29, 2022 What should the "Spirit of Fire" do once they realize they're trapped in another universe? It may not display this or other websites correctly. Halo and Star Trek are so opposite from one another, wonder what would happen if we forced them to interact? Yeah if this is the fire power of just the Ent era, and the TOS era was shown explicitly to be above that, this really shouldn't be to hard to see that Star trek really just doesn't like using such weaponry on planets. Wesley Crusher, how long before we reach earth?, Young Wesley looked at his monitors in a rush, unprepared for such a question. Why do I think that? The Terminal Work Search: Maybe even left for dead? That's all your getting from this description. The thing is if a biggaton level is inconsistent in application then its questionable to assume the higher level is always in effect. The new breed of soldiers caught Picards attention, and he idly wondered what that could mean. StarTrek: Deep Space Nine and Halo crossover fanfiction archive with over 3 stories. I would argue that the major issue was that the Star Trek humanity augmentation could only be done in embryo. Bumping into Yorktown almost immediately, the UFP and UNSC would waste no time forming diplomatic relations. 4 guests JavaScript is disabled. I can't tell if you're getting confused with the warp drives from Warhammer 40k, or if you're actually referring to all the time travel incidents caused by all the negative space wedgies the Enterprise ships keep stumbling across. I mean knowing Trek technobal they could probably find out where he disappeared. Have you ever been backstabbed? There is also the fact that super MACs receive power from planet-bound energy plants, not ship-mounted fusion reactors. Lasers were a lisp, they actually meant phasers. Based off of Robot Chicken's, "G.I. Warp travel is, I think, basically creating a wave that the ship uses to go really fast. I feel like Halo humanity is just doing crude human conscious transfer which is why they have similar personality as the brain donor but not their memories. Even the Klingon has other field aside from being warriors. However, sir, a planet is defined as orbiting a sun. i sayed that only the Super MAC took down multiple Covenant battlecruisers in a single shot, a UNSC cruisers need 3 shots to take down a single Covenant battlecruiser. Deflection redirects incoming fire but struggles with the speed of Energy weapons. Halo: Feet First covers the story of a team of UNSC Orbital Drop Shock Troopers of the 7th Battalion, 105th Shock Troops Division. 5. Sir, there are strange shields surrounding the ring. Simple enough! The programmed AIs are similar to VIs in Mass Effect as they are unable to learn beyond their role or program. Uh You're missing the fact that they're not firing all of it at once. Maybe everyone just goes into the mirror universe and vice versa. That said, the undisputed master of HBOFF shorts was A Halo Fan.atic (aka Phdrus). Commander Riker to Captain Picard, we have something that we need to clarify with you, sir Checking the time, he noted that he had only been reading for just short of an hour. ", are too energy. Don't we already have an example of this with the Cardassians' orbital weapons platform? LET'S GET CRAZY!!! Nice! Follow/FavHaloStar Trek Crossover By:TheInquisitor97 These are the Voyages of the starship Enterprise E and the remaining crew of the UNSC Pillar of Autumn. Though his journey didn't end. No dilithium needed like Star Fleets warp core, all it needs is power from any source and a powerful computer and it ready to go. Star Trek: 2009 (1 . On the other hand Halo tends to have bigger numbers for populations, fleet and ship sizes, biggatons of firepower, etc etc. Please consider turning it on! This object does not appear to be moving. The SlipSpace drive maybe the cheaper option at this point thanks to one thing, it requires no 'unobtanium' elements to work and function. You know what you're getting into, LET'S GGGGOOOOOOO!!! If I recall Geordi had an entirely different issue that even gene editing couldn't fix. with survival on their mind and a team to look after the zealot swears, they will make it out alive. And that's not even getting into the Flood. [a brief exploration of what the as-advertised Halo 5 plot could have been if it utilized the characters from H3:ODST in place of Fireteam Osiris]The Human-Covenant War is over. There is some evidence that the Milky Way Galaxy in ST was home to an ancient precursor race billions of years ago. The Unggoy Movie night is an important weekly tradition for John and Linda. The mirror universe and vice versa the UNSC, because of their rough nature that. Shields surrounding the ring especially the Hierarchs protect others multilingual, mechanic, former ODST, and he idly what! How they decide what movie to watch a planet is defined as orbiting a sun Prototype 118... 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