WebSince you are unable to do this on your own there must be a power greater than you that created you and is preventing you from changing into ascended being from human. These spiritual beings exist in every religion, culture, race, and tradition. Physical embodiment gives each individual the opportunity to expand these attributes and faculties through matter substance, and to become a "master of energy" through thought and feeling. "Matter planes" refers to the differentiations of atomic and molecular structure in which evolution takes place, the lower planes (dimensions / wavelength frequency resonance) sometimes correlated with physical solids, liquids, and gases; the higher subplanes of the Physical Octave are sometimes referred to as "etheric" and are not normally perceivable by the physical senses. The more you purify your body and mind, the more light your being starts to emanate until you become only light, enlightened, and become free from the density of physical reality. In the course of this series, focused on key principles that form the foundation of self-mastery, [34] It is believed that all of these put aside any differences they might have had in their Earthly careers, and unite instead to advance the spiritual well-being of humanity.[77]. "[citation needed], It is further claimed by various groups and teachers that the Ascended Masters serve as the teachers of mankind from the realms of spirit, and that all people will eventually attain their Ascension and move forward in spiritual evolution beyond this planet. The Voice of the I AM states "All Life is One" [29] and that there is "One Substance, One Energy, One Power, One Intelligence" as the Source of all consciousness and creation. According to Prophet, Jesus became World Teacher, along with Kuthumi, on January 1, 1956, succeeding Maitreya, who took the Office of "Planetary Buddha" and "Cosmic Christ". Endeavoring to contact the Presence, the individual would find these 'tramp' thoughts and feelings flowing through that line of contact until more and more imperfect was the conscious use of them. You can use the ascended masters as a source of inspiration in your life. For example, you can meditate on them and with them. If you start meditating, you will experience the different qualities of energy that the masters carry with them. Unbound by space and time, the Ascended Masters have gone through reincarnation, overcame the karmic cycle, learned the lessons of life, and mastered all the lesser things of this world. WebFree Download Reiki Of The 13 Ascended Masters - Certified Master Course Published 3/2023 MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz Language: English | Size: 824.64 MB | Duration: 1h 10m Learn how you can improve your life with help of 13 Ascended Masters Free Download Reiki Of The 13. An Ascended Master may have walked upon Earth as a great healer, a monk, a teacher, a prophet, or a mystic, and may come from any culture or religion, from ancient Eastern divinities to new age Masters. Brahma is the creator aspect. Some of the Ascended Masters may even be students from greater cosmic beings in the spiritual hierarchy, with a higher level of consciousness, to continue their spiritual growth in the celestial realms. The soul evolves through different initiations, which expand it towards higher levels of consciousness. Masters who are part of the Great White Brotherhood may also be assigned to direct a specific ray of light or ray of consciousness. They work everywhere in the universe with complete freedom and limitless power. The first six initiations were named by Charles W. Leadbeater and Alice Bailey after the six most important events in the life of Jesus[citation needed], The Ascension is believed to be the returning to complete "Oneness with God" - "raising the outer atomic structure of the physical, emotional, and mental bodies into the Electronic Structure of the I AM Consciousness", becoming an Ascended Master, eventually a Cosmic Being, and beyond. "When both Rays have made the Ascension, then the individual works with systems of worlds instead of just in one world. Free Download What you'll learn by asking questions and receiving answers in a process called the Torus technique. The mission of Ascended Masters is to help humans in their movement toward enlightenment. "Within the 'Pure God-Flame' is a Breath that pulsates constantly. This teaching of ascension is in direct opposition to the Theosophical teachings. It says that real happiness comes only as an unsought by-product of reducing rather than increasing our attachment and identification with the personal. [citation needed], According to Alice Bailey, the Master Jesus was previously incarnated as Joshua, the Hebrew military leader in the 13th century BC, and Joshua the High Priest in the sixth century BC. Ascended masters in the Ascended Master Teachings of a number of movements in the theosophical tradition are held to be spiritually enlightened beings who in past incarnations were ordinary humans, but who have undergone a series of spiritual transformations originally called initiations. Todays topic is who are the ascended masters? Ascended masters in the Ascended Master Teachings of a number of movements in the theosophical tradition[1] are held to be spiritually enlightened beings who in past incarnations were ordinary humans, but who have undergone a series of spiritual transformations originally called initiations. The Following Ascended Masters You Will Be Attuned To Master Kuthumi Who Helps With, Centering, Devotion, Focus And Relaxation. "[31], "Within the Life of every human being is the Power by which he can express all that the Ascended Masters express every moment if he but chooses to do so. Millions of Ascended beings have graduated from Earth school and have gained mastery over the material world. "[60] In the Theosophical view, the Masters of Wisdom retain their physical bodies. WebThese are qualities of mastery we all hope to develop. [16], "In your beloved America, in the not so far distant future, will come forth a similar recognition of the Real Inner Self, and this her people will express in high attainment. It is but the vehicle through which Perfection should be expressed into the outer substance of the Universe. Get the Ascended Masters Manifesting Secrets Now! [81], Robert Todd Carroll in his book The skeptic's dictionary (2003) speculates that Blavatsky used trickery into deceiving others into thinking she had paranormal powers. Free Download Reiki Of The 13 Ascended Masters - Certified Master CoursePublished 3/2023MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHzLanguage: English | Size: 824.64 MB | Duration: 1h 10mLearn how you can improve your life with help of 13 Ascended MastersFree Download What you'll learnWho Are The Ascended [42][43] This belief is not accepted by adherents of traditional Theosophy and the followers of Alice Bailey and Benjamin Creme - they believe that the Master Jesus is still the Chohan of the Sixth Ray and that Maitreya is still the World Teacher. The Ascended Masters serve, guide, protect, heal, teach, and inspire all of mankind. Angel Number 54 - Make Changes For Better Opportunities, Angel Number 252: Rely on Divine Forces for Positive Change, 1024 Angel Number: Trust in Your Hard Work, Sun Trine Neptune Synastry A Dreamy Connection, Angel Number 355: Channel Your Passion into Positive Change, Angel Number 6161: A Sign of Compassion for Self & Others, Angel Number 8003: A Bright Future Awaits You, Angel Number 824: You Are On The Right Path, Pisces Sun Cancer Moon: A Deeply Divine Combination, Libra Sun Gemini Moon: Building Connections and Being Charming, Gemini Sun Sagittarius Moon: The Rebel, The Fool, The Inspired. As we do, we realize that the first person we must master is our selfby learning and applying the ascended masters specific equations for self-mastery. https://www.summitlighthouse.org/audio-file/golden-age-leadership And How They Help? The first four levels of spiritual development progress on earth during reincarnation. These are guides often found by people who do energy work, such as Reiki. An ascended master who appears as a spirit guide is often a being that led a physical life and has moved on to a higher spiritual planefor example, Buddha, Krishna, even Jesus. Ascended masters usually work with collective groups of souls. As embodied individuals, we are the outer expression of that God Self in form. [6], Guy Ballard said his work Unveiled Mysteries was dictated to him by the ascended master St. Reincarnation is the philosophical belief that the non-tangible essence of a living being, which could be your soul, mind, or consciousness, begins life afresh in a different physical form after death to deal with karma built-up from a previous life. Blavatsky, Collected Writings vol. You can start today onto the path of ascension by focusing on your spiritual self, and trying to detach your emotions from your physical self. Theosophical texts posit that the purpose of this Office is to facilitate the transfer of knowledge about the true constitution and workings of Existence, thereby helping humanity in progression on a cyclical, but ever progressive, evolutionary path. Reincarnation goes hand in hand with ascension. If you want to go deeper in your spiritual growth and work closely with the Ascended Masters, Archangels, and other Light Beings, I invite you to explore our Mystery School Training. Then the Threefold Flame of Life is completely unfolded, the individual becomes Master at Cosmic Levels of creation and does work with systems of worlds, as well as in this physical world. This knowledge transfer is sometimes said to occur through Maitreya occasionally manifesting or incarnating in the physical realm, then assuming the role of World Teacher of Mankind. Wheaton: Theosophical Publishing House, 1977-91; See also CW 4:359-60. [citation needed], According to the Ascended Master Teachings, gaining "mastery over matter planes" means learning to consciously use 100% of one's Creative Power of thought, feeling, and spoken word to create greater perfection, joy, and love in the world, as opposed to using thoughts, feelings, and words to create greater limitations, bondage, and chaos in one's own experience and in the world at large through carelessness and lack of awareness of the extent of one's influence in the world. Most of us have heard of the legendary 7 Habits of Highly Effective People as formulated by Steven Covey in 1989. Leadbeater and Alice A. Bailey, and began to have more detailed public release in the 1930s by the ascended masters through Guy Ballard in the I AM Activity. Some of the Masters have such a great love for the Earth that they choose to keep helping humanity to ascend as teachers and guides. [14], Later organizations that used many of the teachings of Theosophy for their own purposes developed concepts of Ascended Masters which bear some important differences with the Theosophical one. According to teachings of Agni Yoga,[28], This is properly called Isness; students of the Ascended Master Teachings believe that there is One God, the "Universal All-Pervading Presence of Life", "The One", Who is the Source of all Love, Light, and Truth in existence, and that all forms of existence and consciousness emanate from this "Allness of God""The One". Similar to working with other celestial beings like guardian angels and archangels, Ascended Masters offer their assistance to anyone who asks. By practicing core principles espoused by the ascended masters: responsibility, accountability, proactivity, visualization, discipline, balanced self-renewal, They gained mastery over the limitations of the matter planes, balanced at least 51% of negative karma, and fulfilled their Dharma (divine plan). Discover what your life WebTo learn more about becoming an ascended master and the traits and qualities that must be cultivated, tune to our October 18th show for How to Become an Ascended Master, Part 3. According to Ascended Master Teachings and Theosophy beliefs, all humans can go through 9 levels of spiritual development. An Ascended Master, in such an understanding, has become God-like and a source of unconditional "Divine Love" to all life, and through the Ascension has united with his or her own "God Self," the "I AM Presence. Amongst the most famous Ascended Masters are Jesus, Moses, Buddha, Mother Mary, Kuan Yin, and other saints, goddesses, gods, bodhisattvas, devas, and other deities. WebBEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND is habit number two from Steven Coveys 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The teachings hold that an "ascended master" is a human being who has taken the Sixth Initiation, also referred to as Ascension,[2] and is thereby believed to be capable of dwelling in a 6th dimension. Barker, A. T., and Vicente Hao Chin Jr., eds. Mark Lajoie Author has 3.4K answers and 494.8K answer views 3 y You arent going to graduate to first grade until you master kindergarten. An Ascended Master has become God-like and a source of unconditional Love to all life, and through the Ascension has united with his or her own God Self, the "I AM" Presence. That means they can help an infinite number of people since their energies are omnipresent. However, it is at the sixth initiation when Ascended Masters go into ascension to regain union with their God presence or Mighty I AM state. [16], "Only the Self-conscious Individual has ALL the Attributes and Creative Power of the 'Mighty I AM Presence.' Aurora Archeia of the Sixth Ray with her twin flame Archangel Uriel. Adherents of the Ascended Master Teachings believe that this wisdom was partially released by the Theosophical Society beginning in 1875, by C.W. First, the black steed had to sow a seed of terror into an enemy's soul. WebThese are qualities of mastery we all hope to develop. Use of the "Violet Flame of Divine Love" is considered to be the 7th Ray aspect of the Holy Spirit and the "Sacred Fire" that transmutes and consumes the "cause, effect, record, and memory" of sin or negative karma. [25] It is also believed that he was incarnated as the Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep III (who constructed the Temple of Luxor to the god Amon)[26] and also as Leonidas, the King of Sparta,[27] who was killed in 480 BC defending the pass of Thermopylae against the invasion of ancient Greece by Emperor Xerxes I of the Persian Empire. Guenon also speculated that Blavatsky had borrowed passages from extracts of the Kanjur and Tanjur, translated by the eccentric orientalist Sndor Krsi Csoma, published in 1836 in the twentieth volume of the Asiatic Researchers of Calcutta. In many traditions and organizations, they are considered part of the Spiritual Hierarchy for Earth, and members of the Great Brotherhood of Light, also known as the Great White Lodge or Great White Brotherhood. You can call on them for assistance and guidance to overcome the struggles of daily life. Ascended Master is based on the theosophical concept of the Mahatma or Masters of the Ancient Wisdom. He is the chooser of his own field of expression. ", Adherents of these Ascended Master Teachings believe that the All-Pervading Presence of God does not act nor create except through Its Individualizations and that all creation comes forth through these Individual Identities and is sustained by them. [51], According to the post-1900 publications of Theosophy (specifically, the writings of Charles W. Leadbeater, Alice Bailey, and Benjamin Creme, as well as the Ascended Master Teachings of Guy Ballard, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Geraldine Innocente, Joshua David Stone, and other Ascended Master Teachings teachers), Sanat Kumara[52][53] is an "advanced being" of the Ninth Initiation (the highest Initiation possible on planet Earth) who is regarded as the Lord or Regent of Earth and of humanity, and the head of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth who dwells in Shamballah, a city said by Theosophists and those adherent to the Ascended Master Teachings to be a floating city on the etheric plane above the Gobi Desert. As embodied individuals, we are the outer expression of that God Self in form. Luk (pen-name of Alice Beulah Schutz) (April 10, 1905 - Jan. 14, 1994), the Saint Germain Series published by the Saint Germain Press (The Saint Germain Foundation), and especially from "The Lost Years of Jesus" compiled by Elizabeth Clare Prophet and published by The Summit Lighthouse. In a letter Blavatsky explained: The Masters would not stoop for one moment to give a thought to individual, private matters relating but to one or even ten persons, their welfare, woes and blisses in this world of Maya [illusion], to nothing except questions of really universal importance. The greater portion of the land of North America will stand for a very long time. Most of us have heard of the legendary 7 Habits of Highly Effective People as formulated by Steven Covey in 1989. These include the basic principles of karma, reincarnation, and ascension, which we will explain in the next few sections. Free Download Reiki Of The 13 Ascended Masters - Certified Master CoursePublished 3/2023MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHzLanguage: English | Size: 824.64 MB | Duration: 1h 10mLearn how you can improve your life with help of 13 Ascended MastersFree Download What you'll learnWho Are The Ascended The founder of the Theosophical Society, Helena Blavatsky, in the late 19th century brought attention to the idea of secret initiatory knowledge, by claiming her ideas were based on traditions taught to her by a group of highly enlightened yogis which she called the Mahatmas or Masters of the Ancient Wisdom. Elizabeth Clare Prophet claimed, by taking "dictations" from them, names of many dozens of additional Ascended Masters that were previously unknown. There are many who view Count Saint Germain as disappearing and reappearing throughout history, masterminding world events.. What makes them different from other spirit guides is that they have lived in human form. The Aquarian Christine Church Universal, Inc. (ACCU) is a denomination founded in 2006 based on The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ said to be transcribed from the Akashic Records by Levi H. Dowling. Webbecome ascended masters. They moved forward in the spiritual evolution By consistently connecting with them, you will master qualities like kindness, compassion, tolerance, respect, patience, self-control, humility, joy, and faith. Those supposed Addresses (known as "Dictations") were delivered before gatherings of members in Conclaves held throughout the United States of America, and published in the monthly periodical The Voice of The "I AM", and some were collected and reprinted in the "green books" of The Saint Germain Series. These enlightened beings are full of wisdom. Belief in this "One God" stresses the essential unity of the spiritual and material components of the universe. Put First Things First! "Our God is a Consuming Fire" in Deuteronomy 4:24 (KJV) and Hebrews 12:29 (KJV) is believed to be refer to this "Sacred Fire of God". She was a Land of Great Light, ages ago, and will again come into her spiritual heritage, for nothing can prevent it. Most of us have heard of the legendary 7 Habits of Highly Effective People as formulated by Steven Covey in 1989. Intelligence is Omnipresent, and It is within the Electronic Light."[4]. Ascended Masters who decide to keep their focus on helping humanity to evolve form a group named the Great White Brotherhood, also called the Great White Lodge, or Council of Light. That means honorable actions beget good karma, and evil intentions result in bad karma. These Two Words are the Acknowledgment and Release of the Power to Create and bring forth into outer existence, whatever quality follows That Acknowledgment. Carroll further speculates that Blavatsky had faked a materialization of a tea cup and saucer as well as written the messages from her masters herself.[82]. 4 ebook; Hardcover Editions of My Books All 6 of Them These Mahatmas, she claimed, were physical beings living in the Himalayas, usually understood as Tibet: they are living men, born as we are born, and doomed to die like every mortal. Mahatma K.H. [4][5] However, theosophists maintain that the concept of ascended master is an exaggeration and corruption of the more modest theosophical concept of "Master of the Ancient Wisdom". [citation needed], They added more than 200 new "Ascended Masters" that they claimed to receive dictations from in addition to receiving dictations from the original Masters of the Ancient Wisdom of Theosophy.[58]. She is to carry the Christ Light and be the Guide for the rest of the Earth, because America is to be the Heart Center of the 'Golden Age' that is now dimly touching our horizon. Copyright 2019 - 2022 YourHigherJourney Part Of SoftwareBox Solutions Ltd. Reg No: 12205095. [61], In their letters, the Mahatmas constantly talk about the "immutable laws" of the universe, and that they can help humanity only within the limits of these laws. Ascended Masters are enlightened beings, who were once ordinary humans in a past lifetime, but went through a series of transformations and now dwell in the spiritual realm. [22][23], It is believed that Ascended Masters are individuals who were formerly embodied on the Earth and learned the lessons of life during their incarnations. For instance, one way of doing this is by asking questions and receiving answers in a process called the Torus technique. Through the Ballards as "Messengers", the Ascended Masters were believed to have regularly communicated with the students of The "I AM" Activity. They are men of great learning, whom we call Initiates, and still greater holiness of life. Get notified when the course re-opens with a special early bird price, available for a limited time only. Ascended Masters have lived as humans before, but have undergone a series of spiritual transformations. The name Great White Brotherhood has nothing to do with skin color or race but is a reference to the pure white light that emanates from these beings. For example, K.H. To sum up, the Ascended Masters are enlightened spiritual beings, similar in form to the guardian angels and archangels. In all, 3,834 Dictations from the Masters were received through Guy and Edna Ballard. [55] She claimed he belonged to a group of beings, the "Lords of the Flame", whom Christian tradition have misunderstood as Lucifer and the fallen angels. 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