[21][22] Of the total force, 22,500 combat troops were assigned to the landing at Aitape; while the rest (nearly 30,000) were allocated to the Hollandia landings. It would commit all the remaining Japanese naval power to one last major battle with the Allies. [24] A gradual improvement in their numbers and skill forced the Japanese bombers up to higher altitude, where they were less accurate, and then, in August, to raiding by night. The whole northern coast of the island was now in Allied hands and airfields from which bombers could strike the southern Philippines were soon in operation. [23] The Australian and American anti-aircraft gunners of the Composite Anti-Aircraft Defences played a crucial part. In December 1943, an operational order indicating the times and dates at which Japanese submarine were scheduled to appear in designated spots in the Arawe area, New Britain, was translated by ATIS and immediately forwarded to Naval Intelligence where prompt action was taken. Capturing it would both neutralize the Allies' principal forward base and serve as a springboard for a possible invasion of Australia. [16] In the resulting 48 May 1942 Battle of the Coral Sea, the Allies suffered higher losses in ships, but achieved a crucial strategic victory by turning the Japanese landing force back, thereby removing the threat to Port Moresby, at least for the time being. MacArthur was now determined to liberate the island as a stepping-stone to the reconquest of the Philippines. The sinking of over 25,000 tones of Japanese ships earned the unit the nickname . One company landed on White 2 and secured Cape Tjeweri, after which a group of 18 LVTs crossed the sandspit to land two more companies near Pim inside Jautefa Bay. Incidence of malaria was almost one hundred per cent. ", Samuel Eliot Morison, Breaking the Bismarcks Barrier, p. 60, planes and PTs went about the sickening business of killing survivors in boats, rafts or wreckage. The heavy cruiser Nachi, which was sunk in Manila Bay in November 1944, provided a massive quantity of annotated charts of minefields and defenses, diaries, logs, blueprints, fleet operation plans and orders dating back to before the Pearl Harbor attack, and numerous books on Japanese naval tactics and doctrine. [4][23], The main landings at Hollandia would be made at two locations. Their noses had been refitted with eight 50-caliber machine guns for strafing slow-moving ships on the high seas. (Map 2) Invasion of Dutch New Guinea. [16] See The National Archives Arthur Evarts Kimberly and the Allied Translator and Interpreter Sections Document Restoration Sub-Section, 1944-1945.. Beleaguered, the survivors of the Japanese garrison were evacuated by submarine on the night of 26 October. [20], Since Port Moresby was the only port supporting operations in Papua, its defence was critical to the campaign. Red 1 was found to be better, allowing LVTs and LCMs to come ashore with their infantry charges, but the approaches had to be cleared by engineers to allow the passage of the larger LCMs and even after this had been completed. When very few documents were captured and relatively little was known about the enemy forces in the SWPA, it was imperative to translate all documents in full. Historians acknowledge that the deciphering of the Z Plan was one of the greatest single intelligence feats of the war in the South West Pacific Area. The War Department Intelligence Service established a secret school at the Presidio of San Francisco to teach individuals to be Japanese-language interpreters and translators. The Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas (JICPOA), had its origins in the Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas (ICPOA) which had been established on July 14, 1942 in Hawaii as Admiral Chester W. Nimitz intelligence center. In addition, at the request of the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2 [Intelligence], USAFFE (US Army Forces in the Far East), an ATIS officer periodically delivered lectures on the importance and classification of Japanese documents to Army Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) classes. In the second half of 1943 the main Allied concern in the south Pacific was the major Japanese base at . It held what turned out to be a gold mine of valuable documents, including battle plans, codes and letters. Key Terms 117, Infringement of the Laws of War and Ethics by the Japanese Medical Corps, contains information on violations of the Geneva Convention on the rules of warfare and points out how, time and again, medical personnel put to death their own patients. [15] Under a memorandum of August 27, 1945, CIC was ordered to cease its investigation of wartime collaborators in the Philippines on September 2nd and turn over all records, together with over 5,000 interned Filipinos charged with treason, collaboration and subversive activities, to the Department of Justice of the Philippine Commonwealth Government. Before June, between 20 and 25 P-39s had been lost in air combat, while three more had been destroyed on the ground and eight had been destroyed in landings by accident. In the spring of 1944, ATIS received a document which, after being translated, proved to be of exceptional value and probably considerably shortened the war. 9, Japanese-English Medical Dictionary; No. Allied casualties amounted to 157 killed and 1,057 wounded. 2 in May 1943. In February 1944, the Japanese devised a plan known as Z Plan to counter the American naval offensive and destroy the U.S. Pacific fleet. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Lindberg D-Day Invasion LCT Cargo Ship Model Kit 1/125 New Sealed In Damaged Box at the best online prices at eBay! This was the so-called Z Operation document which gave the Japanese air and naval plan of defense against Allied attacks on their South Pacific possessions, giving their solutions for the defense against Allied attacks in three sectors of the South Pacific. Background. Origins. The timing of the landings at Hollandia were moved back to 22 April at around this time due to logistical problems and the Pacific Fleet's other commitments, and it was decided to conduct the landing at Aitape simultaneously with the main assault. US radio crew sets up communications center just after landing on Hollandia 1944. The Japanese at Rabaul and other bases on New Britain would have easily overwhelmed any such effort (by mid-September, MacArthur's entire naval force under Vice Admiral Arthur S. Carpender consisted of 5 cruisers, 8 destroyers, 20 submarines, and 7 small craft). For this purpose, liaison was established and during July and August ATIS furnished the Board with approximately 1,200 pages of translations. [13] See Seventy Years Ago: Colonel Sidney F. Mashbir and the Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS), September-October 1942.. He was thrown into his own jail.[15]. It stated also that the land offensive was scheduled to commence some time in the middle of November. This information was given to the 163rd Infantry Regiment of the 41st Infantry Division who used it in subsequent offensive operations. In the final days of March, the Fast Carrier Force (Task Force 58) attacked Japanese airbases on Palau and islands in the Carolines. Nimitz offered to assign eight small escort carriers to support the landing at Aitape, with these vessels then proceeding to support operations at Hollandia until 11 May. [1] All of the various organizations widely disseminated the information contained in the captured records. While MacArthur sought eight days worth of support from the fleet's powerful fleet carriers, Nimitz would only agree to commit this force for two days after the landings. [30], The D'Entrecasteaux Islands lie directly off the northeast coast of the lower portion of the Papuan peninsula. Hollandia was a port on the north coast of New Guinea, part of the Dutch East Indies, and was the only anchorage between Wewak to the east, and Geelvink Bay to the west. [12], As an attack on Hollandia was not expected, no plans were prepared to defend the area prior to the Allied landing. Over 120 of these Research Reports were published. [65][18] In mid-July, the Japanese launched their counterattack with around 20,000 troops, resulting in heavy fighting further inland during the Battle of Driniumor River. On 24 April, the beach became more congested with the arrival of scheduled reinforcements and further equipment, as well as two transports and seven LSTs carrying troops, including the corps commander and his headquarters, which had been diverted from Tanahmerah Bay. In addition, their bomb bays were filled with 500-pound bombs to be used in the newly devised practice of skip bombing. Intelligence gained from breaking the codes protecting Imperial Japanese Army radio messages led the Allies to learn that the Hollandia area was only lightly defended, with Japanese forces being concentrated in the Madang-Wewak region. [27], The ground forces would be supported by two naval bombardment forces. Once the war ended, Southeast Asia Command Field Security Sections were assigned to seize records that, among other things, could be used for the prosecution of war criminals. [13], Due north of Port Moresby, on the northeast coast of Papua, are the Huon Gulf and the Huon Peninsula. [63][64], Meanwhile, the Allies quickly made the Sentani airfields operational and were able to mount bombing raids on Japanese positions as far west as Biak, making them useless for air operations. There was also a small airstrip.To the west, the Cyclops Mountains rise to over 7000 feet (2100 m). [64][66] Both Humboldt and Tanahmerah were developed with naval base, ammunition, repair and fuel facilities. "[43], Marshal Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto promised the emperor that he would pay back the Allies for the disaster at the Bismarck Sea with a series of massive air strikes. Seven LSTs were also assigned. This involved air attacks and naval bombardments on the Wewak area, and faked landings of reconnaissance patrols. 16 dealt with interrogation of captured American B-24 air crews; No. [17], After this failure, the Japanese decided on a longer term, two-pronged assault for their next attempt on Port Moresby. [14] The submarine picked up the documents on May 11th and sailed to Darwin. January 23, 1942 - August 1945. author Paul Bocu, 2019. [9], The Japanese 8th Area Army (equivalent to an Anglo-American army), under General Hitoshi Imamura at Rabaul, was responsible for both the New Guinea and Solomon Islands campaigns. Japanese makeshift bridges were attacked by P-40s with 500lb (230kg) bombs. [50], Three transports were assigned to the operation, Westralia, Gunston Hall and Ganymede. After the Battle of the Bismarck Sea, in March 1943, an abandoned lifeboat at Goodenough Island (northeast of New Guinea) from the Teiyo Maru was recovered and found in it was The Japanese Army List, dated October 15, 1942. [10] After the chief of staff of the Second Area Army travelled to Wewak to deliver Adachi orders in person, he directed that the 66th Infantry Regiment begin moving from Wewak to Hollandia on 18 April; it was expected that this unit would arrive there in mid-June. In New Guinea, U.S. and Australian infantry were moving along the northern coast, pushing the Japanese before them. According to Morison, "the Japanese retreat down the Kokoda Trail had turned into a rout. The B-29s in the Pacific, forming a part of the U.S. 20th Air Force, were controlled by the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, acting through Gen. Henry (Hap) Arnold, commanding general of the U.S. Army Air Forces. [53], Meanwhile, the infantry continued their advance inland. [citation needed]. Most regrettable!!' formId: "13b57390-1d3c-43b8-b8c2-4570bb51abe4", Translation of the official record by the Japanese Demobilization Bureaux detailing the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy's participation in the Southwest Pacific area of the, This page was last edited on 29 January 2023, at 09:02. This was usually done in the form of listings (usually termed bulletins) that provided a brief description of the records and various types of publications containing full or partial translations of specific documents and publications containing full or partial translations of documents relating to a general or specific topic. ATIS received and translated in April 1944 the diary of prisoner of war Hiroshi Horikoshi, a civilian employee (interpreter) with the Japanese 14th Army, who was captured at the same time. 7 was cancelled and no record is held that No. In January 1944, during the New Britain-New Guinea operations, captured Japanese code books enabled radio intelligence staff to determine the intentions of Lt. Gen. Hatazo Adachi, commander of the Japanese 18th Army. The work contains a complete study on the collection, translation, and processing of captured documents. The translation of documents captured in the Southwest Pacific Area began with those taken in the Milne Bay operation in August 1942. This information was put to immediate tactical use and resulted in the capture of the position by the US 7th Cavalry Squadron. However, this is contradictory to the total number of Japanese combat deaths calculated across most individual battles in the campaign. 119 deals with the Japanese Military Police Service and Report No. The Allies made good use of the information in the naval campaigns that followed. It contained details of the proposed landing of Tama Group (full strength of one division) at Ormoc, Leyte, on November 1st. [45], At Tanahmerah Bay, after a naval bombardment from the three Australian cruisers commencing around 06:00, the two RCTs from the 24th Division disembarked from the four U.S. and Australian transports Henry T. Allen, Carter Hall, Kanimbla and Manoora and moved ashore aboard 16 LCIs. [18]. [59], Operation Reckless was an unqualified success, as were the landings around Aitape under the guise of Operation Persecution. Others included information about the Psychology in the Japanese Armed Forces (No. [56] On the other hand, the Allied operation had been over-insured; concerns over the strength of the Japanese garrison had left the Allies with a four to one advantage in the event. The loss of Hollandia made the Japanese strategic defense line at Wakde, to the west, and all Japanese positions to the east untenable. 5, Bibliographic Subject Index for Enemy Publications 1-200 (November 30, 1944), with a supplementary index from 201-300 (March 1945); No. Also, Yamamoto accepted at face value his fliers' over-optimistic reports of damage: they reported a score of one cruiser, two destroyers and 25 transports, as well as 175 Allied planes, a figure that should certainly have aroused some skepticism. [39] This operation had no effect on the Japanese, as the air units were being held in reserve for a planned major attack on American naval forces in the Central Pacific. ATIS also published a how-to handbook on conservation treatment of captured records and produced a Document Restoration Kit for units in the field. [17] It proved difficult to accurately estimate the size and composition of the Japanese defenses, as attempts to infiltrate reconnaissance parties in the area failed. Joseph J. Rochefort (of the Battle of Midway code-breaking fame). [36], The Australians decisively turned back the Japanese assault in the ensuing 2931 January 1943 Battle of Wau. The forces of the Southwest Pacific Area were ready to move on to the Philippines. The experience of the green US 32nd Infantry Division, just out of training camp and utterly unschooled in jungle warfare, was nearly disastrous. This diary along with other documents relating to atrocities was used in the trials of Japanese war criminals. 72 (formerly ATIS Information Bulletin No. The defeat of the Japanese invasion of Milne Bay by 5 September 1942 was the first Allied land victory over the Japanese. the strategic base on New Britain (now part of Papua New Guinea), on January 23, 1942. The majority of the Allied force was provided by the United States, with the bulk of two United States Army infantry divisions being committed on the ground. It was placed under the direction of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence (J-2), Joint Staff, CINCPAC, and CINCPOA (Commander in Chief, Pacific Ocean Areas). In November 1944 the 6th Australian Division relieved the last U.S. Army units in the Aitape area and launched a drive down the coast toward Wewak, finally taking it on May 10, 1945. [38], General Imamura and his naval counterpart at Rabaul, Admiral Jinichi Kusaka, commander Southeast Area Fleet, resolved to reinforce their ground forces at Lae for one final all-out attempt against Wau. An airfield had been built there during an area gold rush in the 1920s and 1930s. [43][44] Meanwhile, carrier-borne aircraft attacked targets around Wakde, Sarmi and Hollandia from 21 April, destroying at least 33 Japanese planes in the air and more on the ground. [7] The attack was designated Operation Reckless in recognition of the risks involved in carrying it out. Gen. Robert L. Eichelberger, previously commander of the U.S. To the invaders from Japan, and the occupiers from Australia and the United States, however, New Guineans appeared as colonial subjects at best, and as slaves at worst. Report No. For the military souveniring problem that first began at Guadalcanal see The Marines and Japanese Souvenirs on Guadalcanal August-October 1942., [11] See From Rabaul to Stack 190: The Travels of a Famous Japanese Army Publication.. West Papua: Forgotten War, Unwanted People. Round one had gone to the Americans and Australians who had ejected the. US troops and vehicles along the invasion beach at Korako. By 1944 there were over 200 translators serving with JICPOA. [67], Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}23158.8S 140431.2E / 2.533000S 140.717000E / -2.533000; 140.717000. This airfield was of great value to the Australians during the fighting for northeast Papua. The following month at least 20 fighters were lost in combat, while eight were destroyed in July. The Allies proceeded to turn the island into an air base. per cubic foot, this works out to 1,350 cubic feet of records. Although one line of attack was carried out primarily by ground forces and the other by naval forces, the main feature of both undertakings was the close coordination of land, sea, and air power. Earlier, during the Leyte campaign, important documents and diaries were captured by CIC detachments indicating the collaboration of a prominent police officer. [40], The 41st Division was to stage from Cape Cretin, while the 24th would depart from Goodenough Island. Admiral Nimitz exploited the same intelligence advantage when he planned the next stage of the Navys campaign in the central Pacific. Some claim that 97% of Japanese deaths were from non-combat causes. The fires around White 1 continued until 27 April when the engineers were released to return to the beach. [17] These troops were positioned along the Depapre Lake Sentani trail. ", Samuel Eliot Morison, Breaking the Bismarcks Barrier, p. 120, The first strike, on 7 April, was against Allied shipping in the waters between Guadalcanal and Tulagi. Pre-landing reconnaissance efforts were hampered by the destruction of the Australian scouting party that was landed in the area by submarine in late March, and the reality of the terrain was only discovered through aerial intelligence that arrived too late. Also produced were ATIS Publications. U.S. Army Air Forces, Pacific Ocean Area (except the B-29s) were placed under Lieut. Report No. Rabaul became the forward base for the Japanese campaigns in mainland New Guinea, including the pivotal Kokoda Track campaign of July 1942 - January 1943, and the Battle of Buna-Gona. [2] SEATIC was part of the South East Asia Command, established at New Delhi, India in November 1943 and moved to Kandy, Ceylon, on April 15, 1944. Singapore, the Dutch East Indies and New Guinea had already fallen, and all of Australia's security hopes premised upon Britain's Fortress Singapore ideology had collapsed. Japanese plans to occupy Port Moresby were negated by losses during the Battle of the Coral Sea and Battle of Milne Bay. The Allied Air Forces acted promptly on this information and sank both Japanese submarines and supply barges. In early January 1943, Japanese documents taken from the body of a sniper killed near Soputa, New Guinea, revealed the entire standing operating procedure of the Japanese in that area. Cushing, realizing the possible significance of the documents, notified his superiors who in turn notified the Allied Intelligence Bureau in Brisbane. Allied troops set up 105mm howitzer in Depapre New Guinea 1944. Coming from battle fields, crashed aircraft, graves, sunken ships and foxholes, many of them torn, defaced, water-soaked, soiled and charred, making them difficult or impossible to read. It began with the easy Japanese conquest of most of the north coast of the massive island. [46] Yamamoto then turned his attention to New Guinea: 94 planes struck Oro Bay on 11 April; 174 planes hit Port Moresby on 12 April; and in the largest raid of all, 188 aircraft struck Milne Bay on 14 April. It was captured and was found to be carrying a Japanese message. [4], In early 1944, after the Huon Peninsula had been secured, the Allied South West Pacific Command determined that the area should be seized and developed into a staging post for their advance along the north coast of New Guinea into the Dutch East Indies and to the Philippines. 6, The Exploitation of Japanese Documents (December 14, 1944); No. Aerial resupply brought some relief, and on 30 April a group of 12 LCTs, towed by several LSTs, arrived at Humboldt Bay. 37, No. An A B and C priority system was established; with A being documents of operational value; B being documents of probable or general value; and, C being documents containing information of no apparent value. Opposing these forces were the Australian 2/5th, 2/6th and 2/7th Battalions along with Lieutenant Colonel Norman Fleay's Kanga Force. [8] ICPOAs first officer in charge was Cmdr. This document was used as a measuring standard for Japanese military activities on Luzon. 76) and Japanese efforts to fight Plague and Cholera (No. During the landing, the first JICPOA team accompanied the invasion forces. Interrogation of a prisoner confirmed the fact that supplies were being unloaded at Lae from enemy submarines. Due to USAAF doctrine and a lack of long-range escorts, long-range bomber raids on targets like Rabaul went in unescorted and suffered heavy losses, prompting severe criticism of Lieutenant General George Brett by war correspondents for misusing his forces. As the body of available material continued to grow, individual studies based on information available to ATIS were produced as Information Bulletins on subjects of general interest. Tweet. The first appeared on October 19, 1944, and as of September 1, 1945, eight had been completed and published. Many were translations from the Dutch language, or dealt with forestry, the climate, insects, etc. Todays post is by Dr. Greg Bradsher, Senior Archivist at the National Archives at College Park, Maryland. On 5 March, Imperial General Headquarters by Navy . To demonstrate the seriousness of the effort to the Supreme War Council, multiple shifts of high-ranking personnel were also effected: Both Yamamoto and Ozawa moved their headquarters to Rabaul; and Eighth Fleet commander Vice Admiral Gunichi Mikawa as well as General Imamura's chief of staff were sent to Tokyo with advice and explanations for the respective General Staffs (Admiral Tomoshige Samejima replaced Mikawa as Eight Fleet commander). [21] Japanese bombers were often escorted by fighters which came in at 30,000ft (9,100m)too high to be intercepted by the P-39s and P-40sgiving the Japanese an altitude advantage in air combat. ", Samuel Eliot Morison, Breaking the Bismarcks Barrier, p. 38. This success was attributable to Milne Bay's Australian and US defenders together with the crews of the (mostly Dutch) merchantmen that had delivered vital supplies and reinforcements to the garrison. During the Lae-Salamaua Operation in the summer of 1943 the Allies relied heavily on captured documents for intelligence information and planning. The headland was formed by the Cyclops Mountains, a mountain ridge rising steeply to 7,000 feet (2,100m) and was backed by Lake Sentani, extending 15 miles (24km) east to west. The Japanese invasion of the Dutch East Indies began on 10 January 1942, and the Imperial Japanese Army overran the entire colony in less than three months. JICPOA personnel also served, beginning in January 1945, at the Advance Intelligence Center (AIC), established at the CINCPAC Advance Headquarters at Guam. Publication No. There were also other ATIS publications, based on captured documents and interrogations, such as Advanced Echelon Reports, Philippine Series Translations, and Interrogation Spot Reports. The story of the capture and return of the Z documents is detailed in Appendix II. Having been organized along lines completely unorthodox, these were invaluable documents to the G-2 Section, especially as this Force was a major enemy unit on the left flank near La Union, Luzon, at that time. [12] General Headquarters South West Pacific Area Operational Instruction No.7 of 25 May 1942, issued by Commander-Allied-Forces, General Douglas MacArthur, placed all Australian and US Army, Air Force and Navy Forces in the Port Moresby Area under the control of New Guinea Force. [1] Among them were the Southeast Asia Translation and Interrogation Center (SEATIC)[2]; the Sino Translation and Interrogation Center (SINTIC)[3]; and, the Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas (JICPOA). During the war, the Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS), as it came to be called, grew dramatically. [5] The first Nisei linguists were tested when the Marines invaded Guadalcanal on August 7, 1942 and flew prisoners of war and captured Japanese documents were sent a short distance away to New Caledonia for processing by the Nisei language team attached to Task Force 6814. When Hollandia, Dutch New Guinea, was captured in late April one of the first places CIC agents seized was the post office. While it was beyond MacArthur's capabilities to deny Buna to the Japanese, the same could not be said of Milne Bay, which was easily accessible by Allied naval forces. RAAF radar could not provide sufficient warning of Japanese attacks, so reliance was placed on coastwatchers and spotters in the hills until an American radar unit arrived in September with better equipment. region: "", The purpose of these campaigns was to safeguard the oil, rubber and other raw materials the Japanese needed. Philippine Series Bulletins represented special reports of items pertaining to the Philippine Islands. He told soldiers that ATIS personnel had told him that they had seen Japanese . The publication was intended as a manual for the training and indoctrination of intelligence personnel and as a reference book for the exploitation of intelligence documents. ATIS Inventories were also prepared. To ensure that all involved in captured records activities had an appreciation for records and information, the Allied Translation and Interpreter Section (ATIS) (Southwest Pacific Area [SWPA]) published, at the specific direction of the War Department, Publication No. Reconquest of the capture and return of the Papuan peninsula north coast the. Told him that they had seen Japanese cancelled and No record is held that No the campaign. Noses had been refitted with eight 50-caliber machine guns for strafing slow-moving ships the... Into his own jail. [ 15 ] fuel facilities mine of valuable documents, notified superiors... From Cape Cretin, while eight were destroyed in July 5 September 1942 was the post office used in ensuing. Charge was Cmdr of skip bombing Pacific was the first Allied land victory over the Japanese assault the! 119 deals with the Allies ' principal forward base and serve as a stepping-stone to reconquest... 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