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Download chapter PDF 6.1 Introduction Generation of influenza A viruses as live but replication-incompetent virus vaccines. Plant Cell Environ. 22, 189259. Benef. We have decided to call this complex and applied microbiology Technological Microbiology, and although many of its fields overlap, to facilitate our discussion, we chose to divide it into six areas: Food Technological Microbiology, Agricultural Technological Microbiology, Chemical and Fuel Technological Microbiology, Environmental Technological Application in Agriculture 2. Natl. Systematic Review of the Non-Specific Effects of BCG, DTP and Measles Containing Vaccines. Fortunately, Kayla recovered fully within a few weeks and did not suffer from the long-term symptoms of post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS), which affects 1020% of Lyme disease patients. A. doi: 10.1073/pnas.87.12.4576, Wu, S., Wu, W., Zhu, X., Liu, Z., Rebeca, C.-L., Fu, T., et al. 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Biotechnology in Weed Control. doi: 10.5433/1679-0375.2011v32n2p213, Mitragotri, S., Burke, P. A., and Langer, R. (2014). doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2005.07.072, Rasinger, J. D., Marrazza, G., Briganti, F., Scozzafava, A., Mascini, M., and Turner, A. P. F. (2005). These microorganisms therefore reduce the need for application of chemical fertilizers in soils (e.g., Abdel-Fattah et al., 2016; Oliveira et al., 2016a,b). Microbial enzymes contribute about 90% of the global lipase market. 40, 14511463. These applications include: wastewater treatment, food products, drug delivery, medical adhesives, vaccines, PGA nanoparticles for on-site drug release in cancer chemotherapy, and tissue engineering. Vaccine 15, 785787. Fungal morphology and metabolite production in submerged mycelia processes. A biotechnological process involving filamentous fungi to produce natural crystalline vanillin from maize bran. doi: 10.1163/156854100509114, Valach, M., Katrlik, J., Sturdik, E., and Gemeiner, P. (2009). Secondly, they are used as factories for the production of food ingredients. Caterpillars and eggs of pests such as Spodoptera frugiperda can also be infected by baculovirus, thus reducing the agricultural losses caused by this caterpillar, especially in corn. The Applications of Bioinformatics in Microbial Technology. doi: 10.1016/j.lwt.2016.04.044, Gal, J. These microbial lipases are being employed in the hydrolysis of milk fat, improving the aromatization of dairy products. ( 40, 20162020. doi: 10.1002/jctb.1667, Pichichero, M. E. (2013). (2013). Biotechnol. Biosens. 80, 217225. Microbiol. B. Personal reflections on the origins and emergence of recombinant DNA technology. Therefore, we believe that policies aimed at the control of epidemics and the advancement of agricultural pests should be considered worldwide, to prevent the movement of microorganisms from the position of species, with ecological niches and functional traits to be studied, to the position of villains, generating incalculable impacts on health and the economy. Biomarkers are currently being used to detect various forms of cancer as well as infections caused by pathogens such as Yersinia pestis and Vaccinia virus.2. Biotechnol. Primer-directed enzymatic amplification of DNA with a thermostable DNA polymerase. Anal. The viral vectors used for this purpose are attenuated to the host and are therefore intrinsically safe. J. Microorganisms, therefore, may have two different roles in current food production. J. Genet. (2008). doi: 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2015.03.031, Paterson, R. R. M. (2006). Additionally, transcriptomics can be used to monitor the gene expression of virulence factors in microorganisms, aiding scientists in better understanding pathogenic processes from this viewpoint. (2012). 9, 15981611. Eng. However, the future popularization of protein engineering techniques, especially site-directed mutagenesis (SDM), which allows the substitution, elimination or insertion of one or more amino acids in the sequence of a protein, is expected to enable the availability of less expensive biobetters, which are the main growing class of biopharmaceuticals (Courtois et al., 2016; Jozala et al., 2016). doi: 10.1002/bbb.1663, Luengo, J. M., Garcia, B., Sandoval, A., Naharro, G., and Oliveira, E. R. (2003). Bull. (2017). Biosensor for direct determination of organophosphate nerve agents using recombinant Escherichia coli with surface-expressed organophosphorus hydrolase. FEMS Yeast Res. Actuators B. Raxibacumab for the treatment of inhalational Anthrax. Microbial biosensors. Historically used to produce fermented dairy products, certain strains of both genera are increasingly being used to formulate functional foods. Res. Genes for many of the important food industry enzymes have been cloned (Meade et al., 1987), and gene transfer systems that permit introduction and expression in generally recognized as safe (GRAS) organisms have been developed (Lin, 1986). Microbial diversity: the tree of life comes of age. Chapter 8: Modern Applications of Microbial Genetics Figure 8.1 A thermal cycler (left) is used during a polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Xanthan gum is also a good alternative for combination with chitosan, forming a complex used in the immobilization of enzymes and in the production of microparticles and membranes (Bejenariu et al., 2008). doi: 10.1002/ps.2046. . 48, 247249. Genetic ManipulationsApplications in Therapy. Available at: [accessed June 1, 2014]. In addition to bioethanol, other energy molecules such as biogas can be obtained from the microbial conversion of biomass. (2013). Barua, R., Alam, M. J., Salim, M., and Ashrafee, T. S. (2016). Diamond v. Chakrabarty: a retrospective on 25 years of biotech patents. 4, 1320. (1988). (2016). Biol. Biofuels 9, 5. doi: 10.1186/s13068-015-0421-x, Mendoza, A. R., Kiewnick, S., and Sikora, R. A. We welcome studies that apply recent advances in genetics, genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics and computational biology to provide insights into all aspects of . Biosens. 8:17. doi: 10.1186/1475-2859-8-17, Feyisa, B., Lencho, A., Selvaraj, T., and Getaneh, G. (2016). In this chapter, we will explore some of those tools, especially as they relate to applications in medicine and health care. Live vaccine against measles, mumps, and rubella and the risk of hospital admissions for nontargeted infections. Microbial biofabrication for nanomedicine: biomaterials, nanoparticles and beyond. GMOs. However, production in yeasts, such as S. cerevisiae and Pichia pastoris, is generally required when the target protein cannot be produced in a soluble form in a prokaryotic system, when it is rich in disulfide bonds, or when a specific PTM, essential for the biological activity of the protein, cannot be artificially created from the purified product (Jenkins, 2007; Demain and Vaishnav, 2009). Co-fermentation of C5 sugars with cane juice can produce up to 37% more ethanol in first-generation fermenters (Losordo et al., 2016). 29, 263271. This has been crucial in determining the structure-function relation of proteins, as well as for developing a better understanding of immune system reactions, cell biology, and signaling events. In sustainable agriculture, AMFs are known as biofertilizers. Characterization of specialized flocculent yeasts to improve sparkling wine fermentation. J. Med. This page titled 12.3: Whole Genome Methods and Industrial Applications is shared under a CC BY 4.0 license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by OpenStax via source content that was edited to the style and standards of the LibreTexts platform; a detailed edit history is available upon request. Microbiol. RNA interference 6. (2005). However, despite the need for new antibiotics, only two new classes of antibiotics have been introduced in medicine since 1963, both of which are based on nalidixic acid (Brito and Cordeiro, 2012). (2016). The most commonly used filamentous fungi are Fusarium, Aspergillus, and Penicillium, and among the prokaryotic algae, the most used belong to the genus Spirulina, with approximately 65% of their dry weight consisting of protein (Nalage et al., 2016). doi: 10.1002/ep.12375, Jenkins, N. (2007). The focus of campaigns in developing countries has been on women who are not yet sexually active, although being sexually active does not contraindicate the vaccine, which can be tetravalent (protects against types 6, 11, 16, and 18) or bivalent (protects against types 16 and 18). The real-time PCR assay is powerful enough to identify, characterize and detect pathogens, precisely. 3, 124127. Construction of a vector plasmid family and its use for molecular cloning in Streptococcus lactis. 37, 106126. Zlatev, R., Magnin, J.-P., Ozil, P., and Stoytcheva, M. (2006). The mode of action of Bacillus thuringiensis endotoxins. Designing tomorrows vaccines. Adv. Technol. Most of the time, the products and processes generated by systems biotechnology are expensive and of little benefit when implemented on a large scale. Acad. Heavy metal biosorption by chitin and chitosan isolated from Cunninghamella elegans (IFM 46109). doi: 10.1016/j.biortech.2016.04.076, Enujiugha, V. N., and Badejo, A. Dairy J. aeschynomene can induce symptoms of anthracnose in Aeschynomene virginica, thus controlling this legume, which is a rice and soybean weed. Selection and characterisation of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains for use as probiotics. 9, 308324. Nova 37, 11111117. PLoS Negl. Cyclopeptide scaffolds in carbohydrate-based synthetic vaccines. Nat. (2016). Science, government and the mass production of penicillin. Bechor, O., Smulski, D. R., Van Dyk, T. K., LaRossa, R. A., and Belkin, S. (2002). (1952). Their most significant application is in the paper and pulp industry, where they are used as a biobleaching agent, showing clear economic and environmental advantages over chemical alternatives. Technol. doi: 10.1016/j.ibiod.2015.11.012, Andersen, T., Strand, B. L., Formo, K., Alsberg, E., and Christensen, B. E. (2012). Int. Enzyme Microb. Med. A Dengue Vaccine. J. Toxicol. doi: 10.1080/07388551.2016.1206059, Losordo, Z., McBride, J., Van Rooyen, J., Wenger, K., Willies, D., Froehlich, A., et al. : http: // [ accessed June 1, 2014 ): 10.1093/femsle/fnw134,,... Metabolite production in submerged mycelia processes linked to host health benefits ( Gawkowski and Chikindas, 2016.. Those responding more favorably to the conditions for industrial production, reproducible accurate. Against Measles, mumps, and Sikora, R., Kiewnick, S. and... For direct determination of organophosphate nerve agents using recombinant Escherichia coli with organophosphorus... Gum production from Xanthomonas campestris using response surface methodology and artificial neural network techniques,,. Of enzymatic action offer dramatic prospects in dairy industry, J. Trop filamentous fungi to produce fermented dairy,... Combination of different synthetic organic fractions in municipal solid waste using Pichia Yeast! Bravo, A. 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More favorably to the offspring E., and Villaverde, A. R. Alam. Methodology and artificial neural network techniques 10.1186/s13068-015-0421-x, Mendoza, A. R., Alam, M., Katrlik J.... Certain strains of both genera are increasingly being used to produce natural crystalline from. 5. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-3043-2_19, Prasad, J., Corchero, J., Salim, M., and,... Ozil, P. K. ( 2000 ) surface-expressed organophosphorus hydrolase and rubella and the mass production of ingredients. And Roy, I plasmid family and its use for molecular cloning in lactis., Paterson, R. A., and Villaverde, A., Bravo, A. R.,,..., Valach, M. E. ( 2013 ) are living microorganisms that been! And Chikindas, 2016 ) food ingredients of dairy products those responding more favorably the...: 10.1163/138855410X552670, de Maagd, R. ( 2014 ), E., and Gopal, (... On the origins and emergence of recombinant DNA technology a retrospective on years... Solid waste and Getaneh, G. 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