Furthermore, while we have very respectable single-target damage, we lack powerful AoE, meaning we fall behind on fights with many adds where our Survival counterparts can reach some of the top spots of the DPS meters. Their gameplay is entirely dictated by RNG, making it a tricky specialization to evaluate properly. They can still be considered viable, occasionally offering useful buffs and debuffs, and can very often be very fun to play. You may have heard this story before, but all of BM Hunters damage is physical, so the lack of armor penetration on Phase 1 gear cripples us. Their single-target damage will still be superb as Assassination, and their AoE damage will be stronger than a Combat Rogues. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. You can also turn the Crits of Holy Shock into the Light Flash Instantly. Fury Warriors will find themselves dealing hefty amounts of damage in fights that heavily employ AoE damage, however, they will have to be careful of any incoming damage (as they will only be protected against physical damage). Their cleave damage is limited to Multi-Shot, which isnt the strongest cleave ability out there, but the overall damage you deal will be good enough that thats not a major issue. The main reason for this is, ironically, the thing that made us so powerful in Phase 1: Phase 4 gear is loaded with armor penetration, and we get significantly less use out of it than Combat does, hindering our scaling. For example, armor penetration is very rare in Phase 1 gear. The main reason for their high damage is both of the set bonuses of their new Tier 8 set (Nightsong Battlegear) which are absolutely amazing. Wrath Of The Lich King Classic Gold Making Tips. Still, Ferals have the potential to deal tremendous amounts of damage while also bringing in heavy utility through Mangle and Rebirth. You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! Due to this brand-new mechanic, we can claim a much higher spot on the DPS charters in Single-Target fights. The best possible fight for Affliction Warlocks will be Yogg-Saron, since they will be able to spread their malicious DoTs on all the tentacles. This means that the only unique utility we have is Misdirection, which is great, but unfortunately doesnt really make up for our disadvantage in raw damage. Even the once highly sought-after Unleashed Rage buff is no longer Enhancement-exclusive, as MM Hunters and Blood DKs both can bring it. While it may take a while for Unholy Death Knights to produce their best damage output, their efficiency can be seen even at the beginning stages of Ulduar, especially in AoE fights! Survival Hunters deal excellent single-target damage, and we have an edge over many other ranged damage-dealers, since most of our abilities are instant and thus we arent interrupted by movement. A Tier: Enhancement Shamans (Enh) have a fairly more involved damage rotation and with a higher skill ceiling, comes the potential for higher damage. But what Ret may lack in single-target damage it more than makes up for by having arguably the most useful raid buffs & debuffs of any spec in the game. Even if fights will tend to be shorter in WotLK Classic when compared to the OG WotLK, Affliction Warlocks will still deal massive amounts of single-target damage. While there may be some minor ups and downs with gear sets and short fights, they are strong in nearly every measure. Quazii Death Knight WOTLK Classic WeakAuras This ONE package of WeakAura covers all 3 specs for Death Knights in Wrath of the Lich King Classic - Blood, Unholy, Frost. As players prepare to dive back into one of WoW's most beloved expansions (or play through it for the first time), the question on many minds is simply "Which WoTLK class is the best of them all?" As is usually the case, it's kind of hard to answer that question. They will be found in almost every raid group and it will be common to see more than one of each. The one downfall of the Affliction Warlock in Phase 4 is called Fire Mages. Furthermore, in WotLK a lot of different specs can do very well with good gear and a skillful player behind them! We have incredible damage scaling, but we cant use it yet, so both our single-target and AoE / cleave damage is hampered. Classic Era Servers Now Medium Population! We, of course, have access to Warlock staples, like Demonic Soulstones, but our other specs are better, so theres unfortunately no reason to bring a Demonology Warlock. Phase 4 sees Unholy Death Knights drop from our status as overpowered DPS gods in Phase 3, to a more modest spot at the top of the A-tier. Fury is one of if not the best dps by the end of wrath. Frost being a dual-wield-centric specialization means that we, unfortunately, dont get to use this weapon at all. The damage they provide is decent for single target, cleave, and AoE damage. Feral utility is basically unchanged compared to TBC. Ferals have great single-target damage, keeping up with or surpassing some of the specs mentioned above. Our single-target damage is about middle-of-the-pack here, but our cleave and AoE damage are still very good. It's one of the best 3s comps consistently on wotlk . Just kidding were, of course, referring to the Icecrown Citadel, featuring the final battle against Arthas, the Lich King himself. Our equipment is at its weakest in Phase 1, and that has major implications on the meta. None of this should dissuade you from playing a Mage if Fire looks interesting to you, however, as we tie Arcane in Phase 2, and then finally blossom into one of the strongest specs in the game in Phases 3 & 4. Holy Paladins are no doubt the best healer in the whole WOTLK Classic because of their abilities, especially the Beacon of Light. The raid itself features a good balance of single-target, cleave, and AoE fights, so specs that excel at different types of damage will all get their turn in the spotlight. Mage is, without a doubt, the most well-rounded class in WOTLK Classic with tools such as portals, conjured food and water, and AOE-farming abilities. Fury is one of if not the best dps by the end of wrath. The Tier 8 sets (Scourgestalker Battlegear) bonuses arent particularly amazing for Beast Mastery, and, lacking the scaling to keep up with the other specs, it remains a fairly redundant spec that only the most die-hard Beast Masters will play. The presence of armor penetration as a regular stat on Phase 3 gear also does wonders for us, greatly increasing the damage of our auto-attacks and a lot of our abilities, so our single-target damage is stellar. There are no specific fights where Assassination Rogues thrive, as they always must be close to their targets, and they mainly specialize in single-target damage. However, it can be argued that were better than the other D-tier specs due to our exclusive access to Hysteria, the most powerful buff in the game. Best Death Knight races in World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Classic Horde Players on the Horde side have access to Orcs, Trolls, Taurens, Undead, and Blood Elves, but there are a few. Nothing changes for Frost it still suffers from poor damage due to a large PvP focus on a lot of its talents. Survival Hunters are set to be some of the top dps classes in Phase 2 of Wrath of the Lich King Classic. Once spell hit is no longer an issue many Arcane Mages make the switch to Fire as their damage goes through the roof. Best site to buy WoW Classic gold. Best Flask for Hunter DPS: Flask of Endless Rage Besides proving that they can dish out tremendous amounts of damage in Single-Target Encounters, they also possess excellent cleave damage (thanks to multi-dotting) and AoE damage (thanks to Mind Sear). Marksmanship Hunters have risen up! S-Tier: Combat Rogues are in the top tier due to the sheer raw damage that they can pump out. However, you arent likely to be on the top places of DPS meters with these specs, and you wont have the easiest time finding a raid group, as they arent in high demand. 4. Youll top damage at the start of fight as you Bladestorm a couple of enemies, and then go back down to the bottom of the DPS meter. I have chosen to put this into the same category. Phase 4 sees the addition of the Phylactery of the Nameless Lich trinket, which is a massive boon for Shadow Priests, as the bulk of our damage comes from our DoTs. We still have access to a thousand different totems, but almost none of our buffs are now Shaman-exclusive. The best classes for these types of battles are mage, retri paladin, death knight and rogue classes. Survival Hunter has received a massive revamp with the coming of WotLK. But therein lies the issue: we cannot yet actualize that potential in Phase 1. For such purposes, Resto Shaman will be the best pick. Theres a whole lot of armor penetration on our new gear, but more than half our damage is magic and thus doesnt even benefit from it at all. Some day I'll be making my own games and I humbly hope you play those too! Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. Afflictions role in Phase 4 can be described as a jack-of-all-trades. But they lacked vision. Everything is stacked up against the poor Ret in Phase 3, which honestly makes it impressive that they even got up here. Since Ulduars fights have been prolonged, Arcane Mages find themselves having a harder time with mana management, however, if Arcane Mage players do manage to find the right balance between pumping damage and maintaining a healthy mana pool, they can be very powerful. Here are the most overpowered and most lacking twink classes. Destruction Warlocks go from an undisputed S-tier spec in TBC, to the lower echelons of the tier lists under the C-tier in WotLK. For this spec, put it into different Tiers for different . Players might be having trouble deciding which class to play in WoW Classic: Wrath of the Lich King. If you hesitated to switch from Arms last phase, dont hesitate any longer grab yourself a second two-handed weapon and go Fury. After hovering in the A-tier for a while, the copious amounts of armor penetration gear they can get in the Trial of the Crusade raid, coupled with their exceptional scaling, allows them to break through the A-tiers ceiling and enter the prestigious S-tier. While they were previously placed in the C-tier, we can now count them among the most powerful DPS specializations in the A-tier. Coupled with the incredibly powerful set bonuses found on the new Tier 8 set (Kirin Tor Garb) we can obtain in Ulduar, Fire Mage finally manages to reach the A-tier. This tier list ranks all DPS specializations for their performance across the entire expansion. Those Warlock-wannabes unfortunately surpass our single-damage potential by a moderate amount in this phase and, as we directly compete with them for gear, its hard to justify having more than 1 or 2 Affliction Warlocks in a raid. In the doctors words, Im sorry, little Timmy, but Drain Life cannot actually fix a broken kneecap.. Season of Mastery Realms Permanently Closing! Ferals can also boast of incredible AoE in the form of the newly-introduced Swipe (Cat). This will likely be the best tier 9 team in the entire game, and even tier 7 will be excellent, even if tier 8 and tier 10 are a little less impressive. C Tier: Elemental Shamans (Ele) can perform decently in the early stages and a good player will do fine throughout the entire expansion. However, since Ulduar is generally comprised of multiple AoE fights, Enhancement Shamans seem to be at a massive disadvantage in that department. We now have tier lists ranking each spec tank, healer and DPS in PvE and PvP. The B-Tier represents mediocre damage specializations. Assassination Rogues are in a pretty peculiar spot in Phase 3. In this phase, Arms finally joins the other PvP specs in the D-tier. However, if we take into account their pure damage output both single-target and AoE as they approach their BiS gear, they will be completely overshadowed by many other caster specializations, potentially dropping as far as the mid to low parts of the C-Tier. In fact, many guilds may elect to bring multiple Rets already, in preparation for their large buff in the next phase. This is specialization was originally expected to excel especially in the first phase. You wont be topping meters any time soon as Elemental, but you will be doing better than in previous phases, while your utility remains a good reason for guilds to keep bringing you along if theyve brought you before, when your damage was worse. Unfortunately, thats where the benefits end, as Ret single-target damage is B-tier. If your guild has been bringing you for the totem buffs, theyll likely continue going so, but youre not very likely to find yourself on the DPS meters without scrolling down. Their very high damage potential is only slightly beaten out by Affliction Warlocks in longer single-target fights. Unlike the previous, now Eternal Farming is overpower in WotLK as it has more locations for gold per hour. Our damage is not that far behind Survival and, starting in Phase 3, we completely blow their damage out of the water thanks to the abundance of armor penetration. They, too, benefit from magic-based damage where other classes struggle with lower armor penetration. C Tier: Arms Warriors are brought to the raid for their extensive amount of buffs, debuffs, and 2 target cleave damage. Throughout the expansion, the battle between Unholy and Frost is a back-and-forth for the top Death Knight DPS position. Download the client and get started. However, while they have very high Single-Target damage, their low survivability combined with the lack of utility skills (besides Tricks of the Trade) does not allow Assassination Rogues to go higher than A Tier. Our single-target damage is comparable to Arms, but their cleave damage is significantly better, so Fury tragically finds itself replaced by our traditionally weaker brother. Probably the biggest weakness of an Enhancement Shaman is their extremely low survivability, especially due to the high amounts of AoE damage that happen during a standard fight. Best Consumables for Survival Hunter DPS in Wrath of the Lich King Luckily in WoTLK Classic, consumables are a lot more reasonable and relaxed compared to the laundry list of consumables in TBCC. Theres good news for Boomkins in Phase 4, however: there are multiple cleave- & AoE-heavy fights, so our trusty Starfall can still get us to the top spots of the DPS meters on several fights. First of all, the new Morb spec seems to have completely popped off, granting Unholy an entirely new way of playing the specialization. We still have Druid staples like the Gift of the Wild and Innervate. Furthermore, Elemental Shamans also dont really have all that much AoE damage to speak of, so they cant take advantage of Ulduars AoE meta. Shadow Priests find themselves in a tougher position compared to the other caster specializations in Phase 2. The main difference is the addition of a new spell, Lava Burst, but that doesnt amount to much more than a differently colored nuke button. Coupled with the fact that Subtlety has no unique utility whatsoever, you get a highly undesirable spec for PvE. Some may be wondering why this is, given that TotC gear is incredibly powerful and absolutely loaded with armor penetration, which are ideal circumstances for Combat. Our Tier 10 sets (Ymirjar Lords Battlegear) bonuses arent as game-breaking as some other class set bonuses, but we really dont need them were incredibly strong anyway. I've played ALL classes at max level in WotLK and these are it. However, theyre slowly deflating, like those balloons you never took down after your kids 6th birthday party because it was too much work. Moreover, our Hysteria is still great its just our cleave & AoE that are truly bad. Arcane still has the superior single-target damage, athough as mentioned in their section theyre starting to get held back by their mana issues. Meanwhile, Marksmanship is truly taking off, landing on the S-tier, so theres really no reason to be BM in Phase 3, unfortunately. We have so much utility that nearly every raid will bring a Ret, and many will bring multiple. Explosive Shot and Explosive Trap both deal AoE damage, meaning we also have extremely good cleave / AoE damage, unlike our Marksman brothers. Just like our Frost brothers, we Unholy DKs bring some top-tier AoE & cleave damage on top of our stellar single-target damage. Thus, we dont care about the lack of armor penetration on Phase 1 gear. This is particularly true in fights with multiple targets, where multi-dotting pushes us high on the DPS meters. WOTLK Classic Best Class - Warlocks. Beast Mastery is last in the line of specializations that fell from grace. While Warlocks in general saw a utility nerf, Demonology didnt have that much to begin with, and it now gets access to Demonic Pact. The gap between Bloods damage and that of the other DK specializations becomes larger in this phase, as Blood sorely lacks AoE tools. Update Note 11-8-2022: Now that over a month has passed since WotLK was released, we have more data available from Warcraftlogs to identify how things are shaping up. On the other hand, the boss encounters in this phase are an absolute godsend to them most fights have multiple targets for them to DoT up, thus hiding their main weakness. And a temporal discombobulator! They also have Demo which is a fun spec that has S tier utility with B tier damage. More importantly, it saw some minor damage buffs, finding itself at the bottom of the A-tier for the first phase of WotLK. Better player tooltips - class colors, talents/specialization, GearScore & more - for Classic / TBC / WoTLK While not reaching the top of the DPS meters, theyll typically be very highly competitive, while still offering some incredibly strong utility. Moreover, Divine Storm is limited to only damaging up to 4 targets meaning theyre great in those cleave fights, but not so much in AoE fights. After Paladins, your best bet is none other than the Mage Class in Wraith of the Lich King Classic. C Tier: Destruction Warlocks (Destro) have decent damage and would be a respectable choice if its the play style you enjoy. In this video as when it comes to gold farming. Unholy stays competitive throughout every Phase in WotLK, and eventually outshines Frost during the last phase, with the Icecrown Citadel raid. Our damage is never truly and utterly garbage, but its never good either meaning that only the most dedicated Beast Masters will run this spec. Every single phase sees us jump up a tier, until were finally the strongest DPS spec in the game during Phase 4 truly a zero to hero line of evolution. we've pieced together a WoW WotLK healer tier list to quantify the best healer in WotLK Classic. This has major implications on the metagame, with some big winners (as you can see on the tier list! For the PvE DPS tier list in specific, we break down how . Were S-tier in Phase 2, and we remain incredibly competitive for the rest of the expansion, meaning that you have nothing to fear if you like the Cat playstyle. Contribute Just like in previous phases, Frost simply cannot keep up with other DPS specs, as the majority of its talents focus on PvP. Utility is one area where Affliction Warlocks have seen a major nerf in WotLK. 5. It wont be rare to see Arcane Mages at the top of the DPS meters, particularly on some of the more melee-unfriendly fights. Our Tier 10 set (Bloodmages Regalia) having 2 incredible set bonuses is just the icing on the cake that is the Phase 4 for Fire Mages. Near the beginning of the expansion they are average at best but in later phases, they are top-tier cleaving machines. it's funny how blizzard is against boost meanwhile they accept selling Boosted characters :^), Jesus you shilling blizzard boosts now, entire new low. Yet, our main issue is that we dont have the AoE and cleave damage that the specs above us offer, and Icecrown Citadel has a decent chunk of AoE-centric fights, meaning we dont get to claim the top 4-5 DPS spots often. He is also an avid Volleyball player and friend to all dogs. Yes, its a very strong proc, boosting our damage by a decent bit but, unfortunately, its just not enough to put us on the damage meters for real. During the past decade, it was the most popular class, and it's easy to see why. Just like with Subtlety, having a Frost Mage wont help you with the pseudo-PvP boss fight here, unfortunately. If youre interested in a DPS spec that can moonlight as a tank, have a look at Feral Druids theyre actually very good. Icecrown Citadel having a good amount of multi-target fights means that, in practice, you wont be on the top as cleanly as Fury Warriors will. The data below only includes hardmode encounters when available. Healing overall is in a great spot in WoW WotLK Classic; every specialization has something they are very good at. Maybe you never played WotLK and youd like to know what each spec is like and how strong it is before committing. Retribution Paladins used to be considered a weak spec in OG TBC, though that ended up not being the case in TBC Classic. Ultimately, the decision of which class is the most fun to play is different for each player. However, we unfortunately lack the raw scaling that Fire Mages and Affliction Warlocks have, so we end up at the top of the B-tier. On one hand, fights are starting to get longer, so this spec experiences a slight drop-off in damage due to having a lower uptime on Metamorphosis. The good news is, this is all temporary. Not only are they great damage dealers, but they are also the best at providing the spell critical strike chance debuff. ago. The best WoW Classic race for each class By Jennifer Allen, Sarah James published September 26, 2022 What race will you play in Wrath Classic? Cleave damage is still great, but single-target damage is starting to fall off. Phase 2 greets Unholy Death Knights with a big grin, granting them spectacular boons. Furthermore, if you scroll further down in the tier lists, you can read a detail description of that specs strengths and weaknesses, along with our rationale for placing it in the tier that we did. 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