The leader of the notorious volunteer battalion of Tornado has been released, according to reports. Tornado's members were detained, placed in a pre-trial detention center. The now-famed Ukrainian defendersmostly members of marine and Azov Battalion unitswere increasingly confined to the sprawling Azovstal steel plant, which would become the last bastion of . They barricaded themselves in their base (the school premises), booby-trapped the approaches and said they were ready to use weapons in the event of an assault.The then Chief Military Prosecutor of Ukraine Anatoliy Matios commented situation:If this situation is not resolved today or tomorrow, it will be what it should be under the law. He was constantly on the phone, calling up those retired out of jail and persuading them to come to the battalion. As stated earlier, the court was under enormous pressure. Wounded Warriors Family Support Partners with Pathway Financial Education . According to the military prosecutor's office, the fighters of this battalion practiced extrajudicial killings, torture and rape against civilians. Those who managed to escape found themselves with no documents, since the commander would confiscate the passports of the new recruits. After the brutal beating, he was in a painful condition and could not orientate himself in time, so he cannot clearly remember the sequence of events. There's nothing like raising your vitality when you have someone's life in your hands, says Mujahid. They accounted for half of the battalion. Moreover, survivors and witnesses of torture were simply afraid to testify against their torturers. justify the war crimes, committed by the Ukrainian units, by the state of war. Many agreed and came. [5] The best known volunteer groups are Self-defence of Maidan, which has its own warehouses in Melitopol, Dnipropetrovsk and Kharkiv, and Army SOS, an initiative of former Euromaidan activists. Members of the so-called "Tornado squadron" are suspected of looting, rape, torture, and murder. #Ukraine: Today Ruslan Onishchenko, the commander of the Neo-Nazi Tornado battalion, was released from prison by the Zelensky regime, alongside thousands of other criminals.Onishchenko was previously condemned to 10 years imprisonment for rape, torture and murder of civilians. For instance, members of "tornado" battalion accused of kidnappings, tor-ture and rape, denied their responsibility, claiming that they had kept in the places of detention ("in basements") only the "separatists"3. You can participate in the discussion within 24 hours after the publication of the article. This odious battalion became famous for kidnapping and holding civilians in their own prison, torturing them and . However, it was decided that the trials would be held behind closed doors. Experts expect 6 scenarios, The World Union of Old Believers: the Pope's plan for Ukraine contains a refusal to supply weapons, A "supernatural" British-European agreement on Northern Ireland after Brexit, Drought: in Haute-Loire, a village supplied with water thanks to a tank truck, Lukashenko: Ukraine must make peace with Russia without preconditions, Agricultural Show 2023: Elisabeth Borne wants to tackle pesticides, TsPVS: since February 7, 73 planes with humanitarian aid from other countries have landed on Khmeimim in the SAR, 4.1 magnitude earthquake strikes Izmir, Turkey, Michelin Guide: the "best chef in the world" Guy Savoy loses his 3rd star, Somaliland accuses Puntland of attacking it, Death of Yvan Colonna: the commission of inquiry visits the prison of Arles, Christopher Coutanceau, the cook-fisherman deprived of his 3rd star, Zelensky's office adviser Podolyak says Ukraine risks disappearing, 3 myths about e-commerce that threaten the success of your project, Adviser to Prime Minister Barrow: London is not interested in freezing the Ukrainian conflict, Guy Savoy, the ambassador of the French art of living, demoted, King Charles has tea with Ususula Von der Leyen in Windsor despite political uproar. However, it was decided that the trials would be held behind closed doors. If you are ready to die, you have the right to kill. Latest Veterans News. Source: this information was confirmed by Prosecutor Andriy Syniuk from the . Immediately after the detention, they stripped the man down to his underwear, searched him, and hit him several times without finding anything.The elderly man was put in the basement, where there were eight other people besides him. Sputnik News. Already during the trial in the summer of 2015, some of the authorities were indignant and perplexed: how is it that criminals . The volunteer battalion was formed in 2014, and recognized by the interior ministry, and fought in eastern Ukraine in the ongoing conflict against the separatist Donetsk and Lugansk regions. Among the Tornado members who came to their senses, there were some who dared to escape. Nevertheless, Near Kiev detained "Mojahed" - the most bloodthirsty fighter units "Tornado". Such torture was carried out with two stun guns, which were applied to every man in the presence of Tornado battalion fighters. [4] These formations were subordinated to the Ministry of Defense. 2. Four . The fighters could come into any house and take whatever they liked.There was an old woman living nearby on Lebedinskogo Street, paralysed, her children had fled the shelling when the conflict started, and her neighbour was looking after her. They promised to feed us three times a day and give us cigarettes. He also liked to paint swastikas and pagan symbols on the walls and talk about white supremacy. To get rid of the defenders. ( ) . The truth about their methods of "working with civilians" was too shocking to justify. The yelling, public threats and humiliation paralyzed the fighters. The men were also subjected to torture with an object similar to an electric generator. The said events and torture were recorded by Tornado members on mobile phones. Including those known for their particular cruelty, penchant for sadism, paedophilia, incest and other monstrous pathologies. Some of the Tornado men have personally confessed to having a tendency towards sadism, a predilection for torture. Earlier, the Ministry of Internal Affairs arrested Tornado commander Ruslan Onischenko and seven other fighters from the battalion and charged them of conducting violent crimes in Lugansk Region. Fast forward to 2022. 12:04 19.06.2015(updated 12:26 19.06.2015) A drone was used to prevent any massive military actions and to . The explanation is simple no bodies were found, and so far, all the victims have been reported missing. Published June 22, 2015 at 1:56 pm. Then Ruslan Onishchenko told us to rape him. 22nd Territorial Defence Battalion "Kharkiv", General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, 24th Territorial Defence Battalion "Aidar", 34th Territorial Defence Battalion "Batkivshchyna", 40th Territorial Defence Battalion "Kryvbas", 1st Independent Motorized Infantry Battalion, 2nd Independent Motorized Infantry Battalion, "Undeclared War: Putin's Covert Invasion of Eastern Ukraine", "Ukraine crisis: Why the U.S. isn't tougher on Russia", ">Territorial Defense Battalions (BTrO / BTD)", "Ukraine's volunteer battalions: The new model army", , , , , . He would show this video to half the battalion. There would be no life without torture. In the basement of the school 32 in the city of Pryvillia fighters of the 'Tornado' battalion 'Mojahed' and 'Bizon' tortured an unknown man with a stun gun. There are reports that the former Tornado members have seized APCs and additional weapons from the Ukrainian Armed Forces and have started doing their usual business.The Tornado criminals are in no hurry to go to the front line. Tornado battalion (which actually was only a company) was created in 2014 in Zaporizhia and came under command of the Ministry of Interior.. Several times, I have found myself in a situation where you bring help to the military and start praying to God to get out of there alive and well. Here is a video of the 'lineup' that Onishchenko, a battalion commander and repeated criminal, held for those who were disillusioned and wanted to leave the Tornado. They had nothing to lose and nowhere to return. "I had to take a morally difficult decision: under martial law, combatants - Ukrainians with real combat experience - will be released from detention and will be able to redeem themselves", Zelensky said in a video message posted on Telegram. Tornado was linked to the disbanded Shakhtersk battalion, which was accused of staging systematic looting. An eyewitness to the detention of the elderly man in the basement was Ms H., the business manager of the Stanitsa Luganskaya settlement council, who was held in the same room for several hours, together with the detainee, and accidentally witnessed his ill-treatment. note Sputnik). The Russian Communist Party pushed to label the battalions as terrorist organizations, even though they are directly subordinate to the Government of Ukraine and are legal government agencies of Ukraine. Without my son. During the fight against the "separatists", almost every resident of the settlement went through the illegal detention facilities organised by the Tornado battalion members. 264. I was refused, there was regular verbal and physical harassment. One of Freeman's cronies, codenamed Achilles, who had also served time before the conflict and had connections in criminal circles, specifically collected information on who was released and when. Here, for example, a conversation: The voices of two of the Tornado battalion's most notorious criminals, Ruslan Onishchenko (codename Freeman) and Danil Lyashuk (codename "Mujahid"), are clearly distinguishable on the recording. However, the Ukrainian government was in for a surprise when it realized it did not have the authority to control these battalions after all. The ex-commander of the Ukrainian nationalist battalion "Tornado" Ruslan Onishchenko was released from prison - he spent seven years out of 11 in prison. "Rape, Torture, Robbery: Victim Testimonies Against Ukrainian Tornado Battalion (ENG SUBS)." Zone (blog), March 9, 2022. . The Ukrainian nationalist battalion called Tornado was disbanded in 2014. This ultra-nationalist group was formed in October 2014 as part of a Ukrainian Interior Ministry strategy. In autumn 2014 most of the territorial defence battalions were reorganized as motorized infantry battalions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. If we refused to work, they threatened to shoot us. Including those known for their particular cruelty, penchant for sadism, paedophilia, incest and other monstrous pathologies. It should be recalled that the victims and survivors of the crimes, first and foremost, the raped men, asked for a closed trial.At one point, the campaign to protect these Heroes of ATO in the press and on social media gained such momentum that Chief Military Prosecutor of Ukraine Anatoliy Matios decided to reveal the atrocities of the Tornado fighters live on 112 Ukraine TV.The Protocol I described the events of 17-23 March 2015.From around 17.03.2015 to 23.03.2015, members of the Tornado battalion, I am sure of it, regularly brought various men to the basement, who were systematically beaten. It was winter. By August 2014 over 5,600 volunteers had joined defence battalions across Ukraine and about 7,000 volunteers had joined by the end of September.[22][23]. It was found that 43 fighters of the Tornado battalion have criminal records, according to Ukrainian Military Prosecutor Anatoly Matios. 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They tried to make him confess to having detonated an explosion at a military checkpoint, which he did not do. "They were sent by the Interior Ministry. By Interfax-Ukraine. The action was part of a live-fire training exercise for new recruits on a recent morning outside the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv. . They tied him to a support (a sports tool), beat him with their hands and feet and with a plastic rod, poured water on him and tortured him with electric shocks, made him dance naked and sing songs to them, do push-ups off the floor and squat with a 24 kg yellow kettlebell. They accounted for half of the battalion. #Russia #Ukraine : Daniil Dashuk from #Belarus (ex-#Tornado Battalion member) released a new video.He can be seen with an AK-74 rifle (equipped . During the opening stages of the war in eastern Ukraine, the Ukrainian military and police forces were largely ineffective in separatist areas, often surrendering equipment or overwhelmed in cities by large crowds of civilians. In February 2022, prisoners with military experience who were ready to take part in combat activity, under martial law, started to be released from their places of detention, a prosecutor's office official, Andriy Sinyuk, told reporters. The case file contains correspondence, including photos** seized during the arrest from the phone of Tornado commander Onishchenko. A woman told reporters that she had barely managed to save her 9-year-old daughter from the drunken Tornado fighters, who were about to rape the little girl. Onishchenko was previously prosecuted five times for serious and particularly serious crimes. Theoretically, the TDF could field up to 150 battalions. If they got killed, the Tornado had nothing to do with it they were not officially listed, just like the Blacks.If you joined the battalion, it was virtually impossible to leave. . The men screamed violently. On February 23, the Russian defense ministry claimed that Ukrainian armed forces were planning a provocation against the breakaway Moldovan region of Transnistria "with the involvement of the nationalist Azov battalion." The ministry added that Ukraine plans to stage an attack by Russian forces in Transnistria as a "pretext to invade." less than five months after seizing power - the new Ukrainian authorities started infringing on people's rights to express their . Among other things, three of the defendants were charged with committing crimes under Part 3 of Article 153 of the Criminal Code (sexual indulgence in perverse forms committed repeatedly or by a group of persons). 6 May 2014 Ukraine began a second stage of mobilization. **The editorial team has screenshots of the correspondence but we hesitate to publish them due to their shocking content, even for a seasoned reader.The VerdictTornado battalion commander Ruslan Onishchenko received 11 years in prison and was stripped of his rank of police lieutenant.Danil Lyashuk received ten years in prison.Nikolai Tsukur received nine years in prison and was stripped of his rank of police lieutenant.Nikita Kusta received a nine-year prison sentence and was stripped of his rank of junior sergeant.Boris Gulchuk, Maxim Khlebov and Ilya Kholod received nine years in prison each.Anatoly Plamadyal received a sentence of eight years in prison.Yuri Shevchenko received a sentence of five years in prison. The elderly man was put in the basement, where there were eight other people besides him. Once again, let us turn to the information that a correspondent of Novaya Gazeta* was able to obtain from a former "Tornado" member: You could roughly divide the Tornado personnel into three groups. It was originally created for prevention of criminal encroachment and defence of civil order on 15 April 2014, following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. After the lineup, not on camera, they could receive a beating. Nevertheless, the formation of the new national battalion was not kept secret. Breaking News: Ukrainian Militants Attack Village in Russia's Bryansk Region, Governor Says, How could someone recruit a gang into a battalion? A veteran of the Ukrainian national guard's Azov Battalion conducts military exercises for civilians in Kyiv, Ukraine on January 30, 2022 [File: Gleb Garanich/Reuters] Published On 1 Mar 2022 1 . 15 July 2022. And with Russian forces significantly tightening their siege of key Ukrainian cities in recent days, including concentrating about 21-22 battalion tactical groups around the capital Kyiv, it is . After some time, they took him out of the basement ("the pit") and while he was in a sitting position, some unidentified individuals beat his legs and back with an iron pipe. It is unknown what they really agreed upon with the Tornado fighters, but later Avakov said that the battalion obeyed his orders and respected discipline and order. He is on trial for molesting his own young children. The Tornado fighters came to this grandmother's house, pulled a new mattress right out from under her and left. separatists militias, mainly located in the self-proclaimed Lugansk People's Republic and Donetsk People's Republic) and related conflicts onwards, i.e. The "Whites", fighters that were former police officers who were discharged or had not been re-certified in the summer of 2015 and came to serve in the battalion. There has been scary rumours about their basements". When the stun guns discharged, they told me and one other person to stand up. It shows his communication with Ukrainian volunteer Volodymyr Savanchuk and his wife Svetlana. Alexander Savitsky. It was linked to the Shakhtersk volunteer battalion, which was disbanded for systematic looting. Shoot us have the right to kill detained, placed in a pre-trial center... Was used to prevent any massive military actions and to under her and left predilection for torture this to. 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