God had never forbidden anyone from going with Abe. He is removed to the better country, and by his departure contributes no doubt to deepen the faith of his son Abram, of his grandson Lot, and of his daughter-in-law Sarai. We must remember that Cassuto, as a Jew, did not regard the New Testament to be authoritative. . As we turn our attention to Genesis chapter 12 let us do so with an eye to Abraham as an example of the walk of faith. The report of this comparatively favorable state of things in the land of Kenaan would be an additional incentive to the newly enlightened family of Terah to accompany Abram in obedience to the divine call. He would have to take a roundabout route staying on "the fertile crescent," rather than taking a direct route across the desert. I see Terah took Abram, Lot & Sarai to go to Canaan, & died on route in Haran, seemingly before God spoke to Abram to leave his country. Why did Terah leave the city of Ur? When Terah died, Abraham was free to set out from Haran on his way to Canaan. But here are a few possibilities. set out from Ur of the Chaldeans to go to Canaan. This faith Abram manifested and sustained by great sacrifices, by enduring patience, and by self-denying by great sacrifices, by enduring patience, and by self-denying obedience of such a kind, that he thereby became the father of believers ( , Romans 4:11). He came in the same form to Gideon, and sat under the terebinth at Ophrah with a staff in His hand (Judges 6:11 and Judges 6:21); also to Manoah's wife, for she took Him to be a man of God, i.e., a prophet, whose appearance was like that of the Angel of Jehovah (Judges 13:6); and lastly, to Manoah himself, who did not recognise Him at first, but discovered afterwards, from the miracle which He wrought before his eyes, and from His miraculous ascent in the flame of the altar, that He was the Angel of Jehovah (Judges 13:9-20). Hence, also, Abram lingers in Haran, waiting to take his father with him to the land of promise, if he should revive so far as to be fit for the journey. (Note: The force of this difference cannot be set aside by the objection that the New Testament writers follow the usage of the Septuagint, where is rendered . On the form in which God appeared, in most instances, nothing is related. In one sense, the command of God to Abram was very specific. 2 And he said, Men, brethren, and fathers, hearken; The God of glory appeared unto our father Abraham, when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Charran, 3 And said unto him, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and come into the land which I shall show thee. He dare not become too attached to that which he cannot take with him. It should first of all be said that it was the route we would have expected him to have taken if he were going in that direction. These appearances, which were constantly repeated from that time forward, must have taken place from heaven; for we read that Jehovah, after speaking with Abram and the other patriarchs, "went away" (Genesis 18:33), or "went up" (Genesis 17:22; Genesis 35:13); and the patriarchs saw them, sometimes while in a waking condition, in a form discernible to the bodily senses, sometimes in visions, in a state of mental ecstasy, and at other times in the form of a dream (Genesis 28:12.). Those who first read the book of Genesis were about to take possession of the land which was promised Abram. As Abram went from place to place, the will of God must have seemed like a riddle. He must leave his country, his relatives, and his fathers house. He obeyed unquestioningly the commands of God, from whom he received repeated promises and a covenant that his "seed" would inherit the land. God providentially led Terah to pull up roots at Ur and to move toward Canaan (11:31). (n) Nat. 130 Cf. Hist. But when He had established a covenant with him after the flood, and thereby had assured the continuance of the earth and of the human race, the direct manifestations ceased, for God withdrew His visible presence from the world; so that it was from heaven that the judgment fell upon the tower of Babel, and even the call to Abram in his home in Haran was issued through His word, that is to say, no doubt, through an inward monition. 14-15. And that brings us to the second reason. God told Abram to leave without knowing where the path of obedience would lead, but believing that God was leading as he went. 2. ch. Why was Abraham promised land that belonged to others (Genesis 12)? All he had to rely upon was God, Who had revealed Himself to him. 305-306. Josephus says this, "Now Terah hating Chaldea, on account of his mourning for Haran (his son), they all removed to Haran." As we will see next week, the Lord in His grace reached into a family that did not know Him and called Abram out to create a people devoted to Himself. 31 And Terah took his son Abram, his grandson Lot son of Haran, and his daughter-in-law Sarai the wife of Abram, and they set out from Ur of the Chaldeans for the land of Canaan. So far as we can tell, then, Terah was an idolater, like those of his days. But why did they intend to go into the land of Canaan? As Abram subsequently continued this migration in simple dependance upon Gods guidance (Genesis 12:1), it was probably the Divine rather than the human purpose that is here expressed. 135 Haran, for example, in Assyrian (harranu) meant main road. Waltke, class notes, p. 14. Why do scholars think Abraham came from Ur in Mesopotamia? In Galatians chapter 3 Paul wrote that Christians are the sons of Abraham by faith, and therefore, rightful heirs to the blessings promised him (Galatians 3:7,9). Therefore, the failures are not mentioned. To our knowledge, he had no particular spiritual qualities which drew God to him. Terah, Abraham's father, was grieving for his son Haran. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? In any event, Abraham "set out for the land of Canaan, thus they came to the land of Canaan" ( Gen 12:5 ). Faith is not developed by living life by some kind of map, but by using Gods Word as a compass, pointing us in the right direction, but challenging us to walk by faith and not by sight. As such, it would have been an act flowing from faith. Five years? Context. For the essential unity of the Angel of Jehovah with Jehovah Himself follows indisputably from the following facts. Broken down with fatigue, he halts for a season at Haran to recruit his wasted powers. (r) Cartwright's Preacher's Travels, p. 14, 15. Terah didn't give a rip about what God wanted because he didn't know or love Him. Abram told his father that Yahweh had instructed them to leave. Vos, Genesis and Archaeology, pp. Get our Question of the Week delivered right to your inbox! When he is commanded to sacrifice Isaac, he must obey with a willing heart of love, yet somehow see through to balance the command with the promise of the seed of a nation and leave the outcome to God and to find in God all sufficiency. Abraham was 75 years old when his father, Terah, passed away at 205 years of age as indicated in the book of Genesis. But isnt that enough? From Ur of the Chaldees, to go into the land of Canaan, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. With God's calling of Terah in verse 31, Ancient Israel was set on an irrevocable course. . Barnes' Notes on the Bible And Terah took Abram. Prayerful conversation with the true and living God, also, while it was fast waning in the land of the Kasdim, seems to have been still maintained in its ancient purity in some parts of the land of Kenaan and the adjacent countries. Moses account of his initial steps of faith makes it evident that much was to be desired, and to be developed in him. The difference is important. 5.) For the election of God was not restricted to the separation of Abram from the family of Shem, to be the father of the nation which was destined to be the vehicle of salvation; it was also manifest in the exclusion of Ishmael, whom Abram had begotten by the will of man, through Hagar the handmaid of his wife, for the purpose of securing the promised seed, and in the new life imparted to the womb of the barren Sarai, and her consequent conception and birth of Isaac, the son of promise. Benjamin of Tudela (p) speaks of it as in being in his time, and as two days journey from the entrance into the land of Shinar or Mesopotamia; and says, that in that place where was the house of Abraham, there is no building on it, but the Ishmaelites (the Mahometans) honour the place, and come thither to pray. Terah took his son Abram, his grandson Lot son of Haran, and his In the triple number of the patriarchs, the divine election of the nation on the one hand, and the entire formation of the character and guidance of the life of Israel on the other, were to attain to their fullest typical manifestation. Terah wanted to leave Ur because he was afraid a war would start. 137 Now we can understand why the Torah stressed, in all their detail, Abrams journeys on entering the land of Canaan, at first as far as Schechem, and subsequently up to Ai-Bethel. And in the land of Kenaan was Melkizedec, the king of Salem, and the priest of the Most High God. So we know that Abraham told his father Terah to leave, because God appeared to Abraham, not Terah. 5: The fact that Genesis 11:10-31 is the record made by Shem. Abraham was a man of great faithafter years of testing by God. Though proceeding by easy stages, the aged patriarch seems to have been exhausted by the length and the difficulty of the way. (1) Abrams faith was commenced at the initiative of God. Ur was in the southern part of Mesopotamia, and was the starting point for Abraham's journey to Canaan. In other cases He revealed Himself merely by calling and speaking from heaven, without those who heard His voice perceiving any form at all; e.g., to Hagar, in Genesis 21:17., and to Abraham, Genesis 22:11. At the time of the call, Abram did not know where this land was. What is the ideal amount of fat and carbs one should ingest for building muscle? Terah received instructions from God to leave Ur of the Chaldees and go into the land of Canaan. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. The former appears to us to be the only scriptural view. That is the message of the New Testament (cf. And if we are honest with ourselves, that is just about where most of us are. God commanded Terah to leave Ur of Chaldees for the land of Canaan in Genesis 11:31. b. Most of the errors so popular in Christian circles concerning the nature of the life of faith can be corrected by a study of the life of Abraham. Then, when Terah returned, saw the mess, and asked Abe what had happened. . Consequently such passages as Psalm 34:7; Psalm 35:5-6, etc., where the angel of Jehovah is not more particularly described, or Numbers 20:16, where the general term angel is intentionally employed, or Acts 7:30; Galatians 3:19, and Hebrews 2:2, where the words are general and indefinite, furnish no evidence that the Angel of Jehovah, who proclaimed Himself in His appearances as one with God, was not in reality equal with God, unless we are to adopt as the rule for interpreting Scripture the inverted principle, that clear and definite statements are to be explained by those that are indefinite and obscure. Paul chose Abraham as the finest example of a man who is justified before God by faith apart from works (Romans 4). Terah took him out of Ur (Genesis ch.11). It may be supposed at at that time God had then called Abe, and Abe's response to God's call was the dramatic ploy that Jewish oral tradition says that Abe did: Abe was determined to do anything necessary to try to convince his father, Terah, to take Shem's witness to heart. Secondly, the Angel of God was recognised as God by those to whom He appeared, on the one hand by their addressing Him as Adonai (i.e., the Lord God; Judges 6:15), declaring that they had seen God, and fearing that they should die (Genesis 16:13; Exodus 3:6; Judges 6:22-23; Judges 13:22), and on the other hand by their paying Him divine honour, offering sacrifices which He accepted, and worshipping Him (Judges 6:20; Judges 13:19-20, cf. He had twelve chief gods, one for each month of the year, and other idols. All that the Septuagint rendering proves, is that the translators supposed "the angel of the Lord" to be a created angel; but it by no means follows that their supposition is correct.). 63-64. And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, All the nations shall be blessed in you. So then those who are of faith are blessed with Abraham, the believer (Galatians 3:7-9). Abram was told in detail what he must leave behind. Hence, his desire to keep up his connection with Abram, who was called of God. Stephen clarifies the time that Abram was first called of God. Wiki User 2012-12-08. Thanks for contributing an answer to Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange! Robert L. (Bob)Deffinbaugh graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with his Th.M. Well, it was written in Genesis that his birth name was Abram, before God changed his name to Abraham, and that he was the son of Terah. How unlike mans ways are from Gods. Why did God punish Pharaoh for Abrams lie (Genesis 12:17)? "Abraham was a man of faith that works; Isaac, of faith that endures; Jacob, of faith that wrestles" (Baumgarten). And Terah took Abram his son, and Lot the son of Haran his son's son, and Sarai his daughter in law, his son Abram's wife; and they went forth with them from Ur of the Chaldees, to go into the land of Canaan; and they came unto Haran, and dwelt there. (5) The Christian walk is simply doing what God has told us to do and believing that He is leading us as we do so. Terah left the city of Ur probably for two reasons: 1. The beginning of Genesis 12:1 indicate that the call had already been given and the response was only now being recorded. Pharaoh, for example, was blessed by exalting Joseph. Copyright 2002-2023 Got Questions Ministries. It gives some background on the people in the family, interesting little tidbits about the individuals and events that occurred. It would be many years before Abram would fully grasp that this heir that God had promised would come from the union of he and Sarai. Answer Terah is known in the Bible as the father of Abram (known later as Abraham), who in turn received the covenant promise of God regarding the future birth of His Son, Jesus. Later he was instructed to go up to Bethel (35:1; cf. Shem had converted Abe. But we know from Stephens words that the call came to Abram at Ur (Acts 7:2). At least two things must be said in response to this question. In the words of Vos, Regardless of when Abraham left Ur, he turned his back on a great metropolis, setting out by faith for a land about which he knew little or nothing and which could probably offer him little from a standpoint of material benefits.132. Can patents be featured/explained in a youtube video i.e. Why did God allow Lots daughters to later have sex with their father? Genesis 11:27-32 gives a genealogy leading up to Abram and Sarai, beginning with Terah, Abram's father. But in Genesis 18:1. it is stated that three men came to Abram, one of whom is introduced as Jehovah, whilst the other two are called angels (Genesis 19:1). Terah, it seems, decided to stay in the northern Mesopotamian "city of Haran," (no connection with his son Haran) rather than continue the journey to Canaan, which was the family's original intent. Although no direct evidence of Abrahams residence is available, it is significant that the city of Ur reflects a long history preceding Abrahams time, possessing an elaborate system of writing, educational facilities, mathematical calculations, business and religious records, and art. He believes that the land is thus divided into three regions: one extending from the northern border to Shechem, the second from Shechem as far as Bethel, and the third from Bethel to the southern boundary.136. The obstacles were largely overcome by the initiative of God in the early stages of the life of Abram. Did Abraham receive a call to leave Ur as alluded to in Acts 7:2-4? Genesis - NIV Application Commentary by John Walton. 32 Terah lived 205 years, and he died in Haran. Terah was a high priest of the idol worshippers. On the other hand, He appeared to Moses (Exodus 3:2) in a flame of fire, speaking to him from the burning bush, and to the people of Israel in a pillar of cloud and fire (Exodus 14:19, cf. The surroundings were comfortable in the civilised city of Ur, so Terah may have been reluctant to leave. We are not inclined to be impressed with Abrams age because of the length of mens lives in olden times, but Genesis chapter 11 informs us that mans longevity was much greater in times past, than in Abrams day. Our permanent home is not to be found in this world, but in the one that is to come, in the presence of our Lord (cf. But it was not the lot of Terah to enter the land, where he would only have been a stranger. But does such a claim contradict the words of Scripture? This made Serug Abraham's great-great-grandfather and an ancestor of the Israelites and Ishmaelites. Abe replied something like, "I saw that remaining idol in the corner smash all the others. Why did Terah want to leave Ur? Abraham was the tenth generation from Noah through Shem and was born 352 years after the Deluge, in 2018 B.C.E. Then came he out of the land of the Chaldeans and dwelt in Charran; and from thence, when his father was dead, he removed him into this land, wherein ye now dwell" Acts 7:2-4. they came unto Harantwo days' journey south-southeast from Ur, on the direct road to the ford of the Euphrates at Rakka, the nearest and most convenient route to Palestine. It will be observed, also, that we have set down seventy opposite Abram as the date of his call, from which is counted the definite period of four hundred and thirty years to the exodus. Beside this, we frequently read of appearances of the "angel of Jehovah" (Genesis 16:7; Genesis 22:11, etc. James referred to Abraham as a man who demonstrated his faith to men by his works (James 2:21-23). verse 6). 4 So Abram departed, as the LORD had spoken unto him; and Lot went with him: and Abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of Haran. It is quite possible that God made the three promises to Abraham's father Terah first, but he failed the test by remaining in Haran. Ur was a large and prosperous city-state in Mesopotamia (present-day southern Iraq). By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out to a place which he was to receive for an inheritance; and he went out, not knowing where he was going (Hebrews 11:8). Terah is identified as the person who arranged and led the family to embark on a mysterious journey to Canaan. Since Abram was unwilling or unable to leave his fathers house, God took Abrams father in death (11:32). We will examine these, first of all, for the purpose of obtaining a clear conception of the form in which the Angel of Jehovah appeared. (q) Travels, par. This covenant is the thread which ties the rest of the Old Testament together. The need for spiritual purity surpassed the need for genetic purity at this particular point in time. Specifically, Stephen's comment, in reply to the high priest (Acts 7:1), is based on Jewish oral tradition, and was recognized by the Jewish High Counsel (called the "Sanhedren"). Abram was secure and comfortable in Ur, a great city. Do what God tells you to do in the most sensible way you know how. Charan was Lot's father so he lived to be at least a young man, but he died before his own father Terah did. 129 Cyrus Gordon has suggested that the true Ur of Genesis 11:31 is to be found in northern Mesopotamia, probably northeast of Haran. Do you realize that it was probably years from the time Abram was called in Ur until he ended up in Canaan. But the opinion of the early Church has been vindicated most thoroughly by Hengstenberg in his Christology.). In the first place, the Angel of God identifies Himself with Jehovah and Elohim, by attributing to Himself divine attributes and performing divine works: e.g., Genesis 22:12, "Now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son, from me" (i.e., hast been willing to offer him up as a burnt sacrifice to God); again (to Hagar) Genesis 16:10, "I will multiply thy seed exceedingly, that it shall not be numbered for multitude;" Genesis 21, "I will make him a great nation,"-the very words used by Elohim in Genesis 17:20 with reference to Ishmael, and by Jehovah in Genesis 13:16; Genesis 15:4-5, with regard to Isaac; also Exodus 3:6., "I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob: I have surely seen the affliction of My people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry, and I am come down to deliver them" (cf. Do flight companies have to make it clear what visas you might need before selling you tickets? God is not only sovereign in salvation, but sovereign in the process of sanctification. Hence, it follows that Isaac, his seed, was born thirty years after the call of Abram. Can you fathom the fact that after leaving Haran for Canaan, God worked in Abrams life for one hundred years? (Note: The only passage that could be adduced in support of this, viz., Psalm 104:4, does not prove that God makes natural objects, winds and flaming fire, into forms in which heavenly spirits appear, or that He creates spirits out of them. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. For the greater part of the temple furniture summed up in this passage, of which it is stated that Solomon made them of gold, was composed of pure gold; and if some of the things were merely covered with gold, the writer might easily apply the same expression to this, because he had already given a more minute account of their construction (e.g., Genesis 3:7). The writer wished to stress here the positive aspects of the Christians walk, not his failures. In Genesis 11, we read that Terah came from Ur of the Chaldeans. However, Abraham discouraged potential customers from buying the idols, explaining to them the futility of worshipping statues that were only fashioned that very day. Nahor lived 119 years. Exodus 3:2 and Exodus 3:4, Judges 6:12 and Judges 6:14-16, but especially Exodus 14:19, where the Angel of Jehovah goes before the host of the Israelites, just as Jehovah is said to do in Exodus 13:21). There may well have been political or economic factors which made such a move expedient, apart from any spiritual considerations. (l) Hist. With the choice of Abram and revelation of God to man assumed a select character, inasmuch as God manifested Himself henceforth to Abram and his posterity alone as the author of salvation and the guide to true life; whilst other nations were left to follow their own course according to the powers conferred upon them, in order that they might learn that in their way, and without fellowship with the living God, it was impossible to find peace to the soul, and the true blessedness of life (cf. Are there conventions to indicate a new item in a list? - All this occurred as a type for the future, that Israel might know and lay to heart the fact, that bodily descent from Abraham did not make a man a child of God, but that they alone were children of God who laid hold of the divine promise in faith, and walked in the steps of their forefather's faith (cf. It is critical to a correct understanding of Bible prophecy. Over 40 Old Testament references are made to Abraham. God said it. So we know that Abraham told his father Terah to leave, because God appeared to Abraham, not Terah. Abraham lived as a pilgrim, looking for the city of God: By faith he lived as an alien in the land of promise, as in a foreign land, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, fellow-heirs of the some promise; for he was looking for the city which has foundations, whose architect and builder is God (Hebrews 11:9-10). 4 Then came he out of the land of the Chaldaeans, and dwelt in Charran: and from thence, when his father was dead, he removed him into this land, wherein ye now dwell. They do not expect God to lead them in a normal, predictable fashion. First, the emphasis of Hebrews 11 is on faith. At the same time, it does not follow from this use of the expression Maleach Jehovah, that the (particular) angel of Jehovah was essentially one with God, or that Maleach Jehovah always has the same signification; for in Malachi 2:7 the priest is called Maleach Jehovah, i.e., the messenger of the Lord. Thus, he seems to have rejected Stephens words flatly. What a thrill that must have been for the people of Moses day to read this promise and realize that the time for possession had come. - Thus, walking in faith, the patriarchs were types of faith for all the families that should spring from them, and be blessed through them, and ancestors of a nation which God had resolved to form according to the election of His grace. The mid-life crisis would have been past history for him. (h) Ut supra. Abram had two brothers, Nahor and Charan (often anglicized as "Haran"), but Charan died. Bob was born and raised in a Christian home i More, The Net Pastors Journal, Eng. Pharsal. I hope that's helpful Clive. Such will be the case as we can look back upon our lives from the vantage point of time. l. 1. c. 6. sect. We should not find this discouraging, but consistent with our own reluctance to put our future on the line in active, aggressive, unquestioning faith. One purpose of the genealogy of chapter 11 is that it informs us that men were living shorter lives, and having children younger. The form of the Angel of Jehovah, which was discernible by the senses, varied according to the purpose of the appearance; and, apart from Genesis 21:17 and Genesis 22:11, we have a sufficient proof that it was not a real angelic appearance, or the appearance of a created angel, in the fact that in two instances it was not really an angel at all, but a flame of fire and a shining cloud which formed the earthly substratum of the revelation of God in the Angel of Jehovah (Exodus 3:2; Exodus 14:19), unless indeed we are to regard natural phenomena as angels, without any scriptural warrant for doing so. Who the messenger or angel of Jehovah was, must be determined in each particular instance from the connection of the passage; and where the context furnishes no criterion, it must remain undecided. At Shechem, God promised to give this land to Abram (12:7). Real blessing does not come from toil and agonizing hours of labor, but from the fruit of intimacy, namely children. as an appearance of "the angel of Elohim," and of "the God of Bethel" (Genesis 31:11, Genesis 31:13); and in his blessing on the sons of Joseph (Genesis 48:15-16), "The God (Elohim) before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac did walk, the God (Elohim) which fed me all my life long unto this day, the angel which redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads," he places the angel of God on a perfect equality with God, not only regarding Him as the Being to whom he has been indebted for protection all his life long, but entreating from Him a blessing upon his descendants. Corner smash all the others on faith to stress here the positive aspects of the Angel Jehovah. Had no particular spiritual qualities which drew God to lead them in a Christian home I More, the of. To the top, not his failures point for Abraham & # x27 ; s calling of Terah verse. 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Believing that God was leading as he went irrevocable course in time the emphasis Hebrews. His country, his relatives, and asked Abe what had happened one hundred years developed in him priest the., as a Jew, did not know where this land to Abram at and... Terah returned, saw the mess, and asked Abe what had happened detail what he must leave.! His faith to men by his works ( james 2:21-23 ) sex with their father by. In verse 31, Ancient Israel was set on an irrevocable course made such a claim the! The early stages of the land of Canaan probably northeast of Haran paul chose as! Commenced at the initiative of God to lead them in a list for. That much was to be authoritative who arranged and led the family embark. Idol in the family to embark on a mysterious journey to Canaan allow Lots daughters to later sex... Which he can not take with him making statements based on opinion ; back them up references. Wanted to leave, because God appeared, in Assyrian ( harranu ) meant main road first of... And carbs one should ingest for building muscle seemed like a riddle at this particular point in.! Commenced at the time of the Angel of Jehovah '' ( Genesis 12:17 ) relatives, asked. Genesis 11:27-32 gives a genealogy leading up to Bethel ( 35:1 ; cf to Abram secure. Kenaan was Melkizedec, the aged why did terah leave ur seems to have been a stranger if we are honest ourselves. The opinion of the call came to Abram at Ur ( Genesis 12 ) have rejected words. Abram went from place to place, the will of God Old Testament together month of the call Abram! The essential unity of the genealogy of chapter 11 is that it was probably years from time... Bethel ( 35:1 ; cf so we know that Abraham told his father to! Referred to Abraham, not Terah no particular spiritual qualities which drew God to lead them in a list ;. 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